Year 6
Welcome to Year 6
Goodbye Year 6...
What a year it’s been for you,
our lovely, little crew!
We had plans for a production
and a lot of things to do.
From learning about areas
like algebra and SPaG,
to multiplying fractions –
we had that in the bag!
But, as you’ll often find in life,
we were put to the test…
but not the normal SATs-y kind –
a weird, abnormal quest.
We were sent into lockdown
and school was closed for most.
Of all of our priorities,
your safety was utmost.
Your world was twisted sideways;
your life changed overnight.
Yet, acting for the greater good,
you did what’s just and right.
It’s been so hard – we know that.
We’re proud of what you’ve shown
when facing such adversity
unlike we’ve ever known.
We’re in a time in history
that will be on the shelves:
a tale to tell our grandchildren
that’s greater than ourselves.
A spell when you were children
and you had to leave your friends
to keep all of your loved ones safe
and bring this to an end.
They’ll look at you like heroes –
the sort we know you are:
you’re warriors; you’re brave, young knights;
you’re bright and dazzling stars.
And, though we’ve had to part now,
in unexpected ways,
we still have all the memories
of countless fun school days.
Remember cheers on Sports Days
and many amazing trips.
Remember class assemblies
and Friday fish and chips!
Remember all our break times
and playing on the grass.
But, most of all, remember
how you’re valued in this class.
As we look back in the future,
We’ll think of you and smile;
the kids who showed resilience
and went the extra mile.
So, though it’s time to say goodbye,
just know it’s not the end.
You’ll live on in our memories
as our special Year 6 friends.
Good luck Year 6 - we will miss you!
Mr Catchpole and Miss Facey.
Hawking Class 2019-2020
Pankhurst Class 2019-2020
Home Learning Tasks- Week beginning: Monday 13th July
Hello Year 6!
As you may know, we are setting work for our new classes this week, to prepare them for September. Please make sure you click the correct picture below (the one on the left is for our Year 6 leavers) so that you do the correct work! This week, your work will be set by Mr Edwards and Mrs Lee, so make sure you e-mail them with your final products using the emails below.
We can't wait to see you all this week! Remember to bring in 2 carrier bags for your books, you water bottle, a sun hat, a felt tip/Sharpie (to sign t-shirts) and a normal writing pen (to sign leavers' books). You will not be allowed to walk home alone, so make sure you know which adult is coming to collect you. If you are being collected by someone who is not a family member, please make sure your parents let us know this in writing.
See you soon!
Mr Catchpole and Miss Facey
Mr Edwards:
Mrs Lee:
Previous Home Learning Tasks- Week Beginning: Monday 6th July
Welcome to week 6! Well done for completing last week's transition tasks and for thinking carefully about how to show resilience when you start secondary school. We hope that you all enjoyed thinking about how to be good friend to others and the qualities that you look for when choosing friends of your own.
This week we are back to setting daily maths and English tasks for you to complete. We have tried to balance these across the week so that when one of the tasks is slightly longer, the other should be quicker. Please make sure that you read each of the tasks carefully so that you know what is needed.
This week, we will be replying to e-mails on the following days:
Mr Catchpole - Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday (am)
Miss Facey - Wednesday, Thursday (am) and Friday
Previous Home Learning Tasks- Week Beginning: Monday 29th June
This week, we will continue to focus on your transition to secondary school in September. Thank you very much for engaging with last week's tasks so well. We were really impressed with the way that you all reflected on your worries and adopted a 'can do' attitude. This puts you in a great position for the start of secondary school.
This week's tasks focus on how to be resilient and how to manage your friendships and fallouts effectively. We know that this is something that lots of you have been thinking about so we hope that you find this work useful.
As with last week, each day, you will find a PowerPoint presentation that you will need to read through carefully. Within the presentation, you will find a few videos to watch and a couple of tasks to complete. As we will not be returning to class this term, we feel it is really important for you all to complete this work in order to prepare yourselves for secondary school.
You may find it useful to find a notebook to record all of your tasks; you will then be able to look back on them over the summer holidays.
Previous Home Learning Tasks - Week Beginning: Monday 22nd June
This week, we are taking a bit of a break from maths and English in order to focus on your transition to secondary school in September.
Each day, you will find a PowerPoint presentation that you will need to read through carefully. Within the presentation, you will find a few videos to watch and a couple of tasks to complete. As we will not be returning to class this term, we feel it is really important for you all to complete this work in order to prepare yourselves for secondary school.
You may find it useful to find a notebook to record all of your tasks; you will then be able to look back on them over the summer holidays.
Previous Home Learning Tasks- Week beginning: 15th June
This week, we are going to be having a Science Week. We did not set any science last term and so we have decided to spend this week focusing on our last unit: Light.
Science will be set instead of maths this week and for your English work, you will be asked to complete reading comprehensions about famous scientists or different aspects of science.
If you wish to complete more work, we have added a revision folder for maths and SPAG sheets which you can do in your own time. Please be aware that these do not need to be e-mailed to us.
Super Science!

Previous Home Learning Tasks- Week beginning: 8th June
To celebrate the end of your time at Bishop Ridley, we are in the process of creating a Leavers' Book for each child. We are relying on you to help us create something that will be filled with special memories for you to look back on in years to come. Therefore, it is imperative that all English and Topic work is completed this week.
If we don't receive work from you before the given deadlines, you will not feature in the book. Please spread the word around your friendship group so that everybody gets involved!
Previous Home Learning Tasks - Week Beginning: 1st June
As some of you know, this week would have been our PGL week (or fun activity week if you weren't going!). To celebrate this, and to reward you for all of your hard work, we have decided to set a range of activities for you to choose from, which can be completed over the next four days. There are 10 tasks in total and you should aim to complete at least one task per day (though we'd be impressed if you managed more!).
The activities are as follows:
1. Baking
Find a recipe (either online or in a cook book) and create a delicious treat for you and your family to enjoy. Make sure you take some photos of the different stages of the recipe, as well as the finished product, so that we can share your creations on the website.
2. Writing
Create a song, rap or poem on a topic of your choice. Spend some time mind-mapping possible ideas as well as rhyming words and then draft and publish your finished piece. If you're feeling brave, why not perform to a family member and get them to video you!
3. Making
Come up with a new board game concept for the whole family. Design the board itself, as well as the rules of the game. Once you have completed the game, ask some family members to test it out with you and make any changes that are necessary.
4. Acting
Choose a favourite scene from a film, TV show or book and re-enact it in an interesting way. You might want to create a script and assign roles to different members of the household, or you could use Lego or other action figures to be your cast! You may even want to design your own sets and props to use.
5. Moving
Come up with a brand new sport or physical activity that could be played by people of all ages. Consider how much space you have and the equipment that is available to you. Who knows? You could be the new Joe Wicks!
6. Designing
Using paper and pen, have a go at designing your own Dream House! What particular features will it have? Maybe an outdoor swimming pool, a games room, a cinema room etc. Once your happy with your design, consider whether it would be possible to build your dream house using junk modelling or Lego. We'd love to see photos of your designs and/or your finished products.
7. Inventing
What would make your life easier? Create a brand new invention that could help you in your life or the life of a family member. Consider what materials will be needed to create your invention and what sets it apart from other products already on the market.
8. Helping
Continue to spread our Christian Values by offering to help someone in your household with a job. This may include cleaning your bedroom, washing up, washing the car or hoovering. Basically, see what you can do to help your family through this tricky time!
9. Quizzing
Design a quiz that you can challenge your family (and your teachers!) with. What rounds will you have? Will there be a picture round or something a little bit different? Be sure to e-mail us your questions because we love a good quiz!
10. Dreaming
Draw, paint or create your own version of Paradise. What will your ideal future look like? Where will it be? Who will be with you? What will you have access to? You could use computer software to help you with your design.
We hope you enjoy your activity week and look forward to seeing what you come up with.
Parents - don't panic! Normal work will resume from next Monday, with some maths revision topics, work for our Leavers' Books and a weekly RE task.
Pupils' Work
Activity Week Photos

Photos which made us smile
Useful Websites
A range of maths activities and games.
A series of short maths activities for children to complete in 10 minutes.
A times table generator where you can select the times table you would like to practise, the number of questions you would like to complete and whether you would like to focus on multiplication and/or division.
Puzzles and games linked to maths.
A range of arithmetic and reasoning questions for the children to complete.
IXL have separate pages of skills linked to individual Year group. The Y6 page has links to practise both English and Maths skills. Pages are then split into skills of which has a practise question for the children to think about.
English quizzes linked to areas of grammar.
A range of English games and activities.
Activities to reinforce and practise a range of spelling rules.
A range of activities and games to practise a range of spelling rules and patterns.
BBC Education have produced a whole host of materials for KS2. Follow the KS2 link and then select either Maths or English. Each area usually has an information section for reading, plus an activity and then quiz which is marked online.