Good morning Year 4. Nearly half term and we hope you have had some time to enjoy the snow! We were very impressed with how well you all did with your maths assessment last Friday.
Tomorrow we will be asking you to do an assessment on area (we covered this in January, so you might want to have a look back at your work). You will need your log in details again, so please make sure you have them to hand ready for tomorrow.

MATHS - Count in fractions
Now that you have begun to recognise that fractions that have a numerator greater than the denominator is more than 1, we are going to use this knowledge to start to count beyond 1 (one whole) by using fractions. As you watch, try to spot where the numerator and denominator are going to be the same (because you know that this will be equivalent to one whole)! Before you attempt today's worksheet, we also highly recommend that you watch the first 7 minutes of the Maths Antics video below, which clearly explains how improper fractions are mixed numbers (a whole number and a proper fraction). As always, watch the videos carefully and only answer the questions you are confident with (eg perhaps you are only confident to answer the fluency questions at this stage and that is OK). Good luck and remember to let your teacher know if you feel you need some extra help. 😉
Today you will be able to test your knowledge, please complete the two tests below. They are easy and fun.
The first one - Label The Types Of Teeth - will provide you with a certificate. 
Good luck and let us know your test results.
We have prepared something extra for those of you who would like to read something after completing your daily work.