Year 3
Welcome to Year 3
Princess Diana Class
To our amazing, beautiful and wonderful Princess Diana Class,
We wanted to write a short message to show our love and gratitude. Although, we haven't had a chance to say good bye in person, you will hopefully feel our appreciation in this letter.
Today is the day. Today is the day we thought we'd be together. Sharing memories, having class parties, and discussing our new teachers. Talking about what we'd be doing during the summer; who we'd be seeing and where we would be going. Looking forward to ‘meet the teacher day’ and the Year 6 end of year performance.
Understandably, with such a unique year and a place in the history books, we didn't get to share this time together. However, we've learned to adapt, as always. We've learned to use the computer and send emails, we can stay connected; send videos, Tik Toks and how to use an I-pad. We've learned that maybe our adults might actually know what they're doing (or not 😉). We’ve learned that some of us deal with things differently and it’s not always that easy. We've learned the value of mindfulness and the understanding of mental health. But from all of this we’ve learned that the world really isn’t that bad and we can all look out for each other.
We've missed your beautiful voices, the not so in tune singing and the endless request to go to the toilet. Our name being called at least 500 times in the first hour of the day and the arguments over misspelt words on the board and determination to prove you’re right but then realise you didn’t read the question thoroughly. The consistent support you give and the love you share to ensure we’re healthy and feeling well. The infectious smiles and outrageous laughs at showing the latest dance moves, singing songs at the top of our lungs or bickering over the latest football scores and challenges. We'll miss the questioning, inquisitiveness and the passion to succeed. The endless amounts of pencil shavings on the tables and the trays falling to the floor every time you tuck yourself into work. We’ll miss the way we challenged each other to do better, being it more skips, more steps walked during the daily mile WITHOUT cutting the corners, or how many spellings and times tables you achieved. We'll miss the excitement on your face when you lose a tooth or achieve a star of the week. But most of all we’ll miss the amazing love, hugs, caring messages, cards, poems and photos shared.
We have a heart full of memories and a rainbow full of friendship, kindness, trust, loyalty, love and gratitude to share with the world. Go out there (when we're allowed) and spread the Love.
You have all lived up to our class name – Princess Diana.
Lots of Love,
Mrs Greenhead, Mrs Joy & Mrs Mason ❤
We are very impressed with the motivation and creativity you have displayed for our Gods & Mortals topic: we have added a Lego animation, video presentations, a comic strip and powerpoints that you have sent to us to share, together with all the fantastic images that keep coming inspired and well done to all of you for your continued hard work!
Lewis G's informative presentation on Poseidon part 1

part 2

Calum C's Movie Version of Theseus and the Minotaur...

Family Time Learning
Wow, you have worked so well and your efforts have been fabulous :) Enjoy more Home Learning photos.
Year 3 video edit final.mp4

Please contact your child's class teacher at the following addresses:
Queen Elizabeth Class
Miss Smalley:
Princess Diana Class
Mrs Greenhead:
Every Friday please email Mrs Mason:
Please send your child's work to his/her class teacher with their name and the date as the subject of the email.
What if my child is unwell?
If your child is unwell, we would not expect them to complete the work from the day(s) that they are feeling poorly. However, we would be grateful if you could send us a quick email to make us aware of the situation.
Welcome back!
We hope you had a wonderful and relaxing Easter? We are astounded and so pleased at the progress the children are making while being at home. We cannot thank you enough for the constant help and support you are giving your children while completing their school work, as well as facing your own challenges during this difficult time. With this in mind, we will keep updating this page daily with new maths and English tasks, topic based activities which will be changed weekly and links to useful websites. Please see below for more details on each.
We understand that social distancing is becoming more difficult, especially while the sun is shining, and our feelings and mental health will be suffering without the usual contact with our families outside of the home. However, we are with you; thinking of you always, and we relate to the uncertain times a head. But have faith; have faith that God is with us, protecting us and keeping us safe. Remember, We are Bishop Ridley, We are one community, Learning and Growing Together. Soon enough, we will back in school working together and making history, literally!
I'd like to remind you about the fabulous pages Mr Edwards has created. He has focused on physical activities and challenges to complete; helping you to keep fit and have a healthy mind as well as a body.
Mrs Charity has been working on helping us to overcome any mental health challenges we are facing by adding links to Mindfulness pages and adding strategies to help cope while at home. She has also uploaded Mindfulness colouring sheets to help you unwind.
We look forward to seeing the wonderful and vibrant work your children will be completing.
Thank you for your continued support,
The Year 3 Team
Completing the work:
If you have access to Microsoft Word, pupils should write their answers on the spaces provided or underneath the work/questions provided, depending of the type of activity. If you are using an iPad/tablet, once the document is open, you should be able to write on the 'sheet'.
Returning the work:
Work completed electronically should be saved to your computer/laptop/tablet as either a Word document or a PDF and then emailed back to your class teacher at the addresses below. If you have chosen to complete any work (or done something extra) on paper, please take a photograph of it which can be emailed alongside the rest of your work. We hope to look at all pieces of work sent to us as soon as we can and will respond with comments where appropriate.
When to contact us:
You can email us whenever the work is complete, however please note that we will be replying to emails between 9-12pm every day. During the week, we will aim to send each parent/child one email per day, where we will return the work with appropriate comments and next learning steps. During the afternoons we will be preparing work for the next day, ready to be uploaded to the Year 3 page. At times, the website may be running slowly, may crash or become inaccessible. In these instances, we will email you the work any website links directly.
Work from previous Term:
Week beginning 30th March 2020
We hope you had a fantastic weekend and are staying safe and healthy. Well done for making it through your first full week of home school learning. We loved hearing from you all and seeing the wonderful work the children are producing. Thank you all for your hard work and support. We look forward to seeing your lovely work this week.
Next week is Holy Week and if you want to learn about the Easter story, have a look at the powerpoints (KS2 version is in 4 parts). A few weeks ago, we began to think about how Jesus's mother, Mary, felt on Palm Sunday when Jesus entered the city of Jerusalem and was cheered by the crowds. We have attached an emotion graph that you can fill in on the 3 significant days: Palm Sunday; Good Friday and Easter Sunday to show how you think Mary felt on each of these days (we recommend you fill it in to help you with Thursday's English task).
Easter activities
Thank you for all your lovely topic based activities, it was nice to see so many of you had been so creative at home. This week we would have been completing some Easter based activities with you. Below is a list of things you could try at home. Don't forget to send us some photos in your daily email!
You could try one or more of these options. When you have finished take a photo and send it in to your teacher.
Draw and decorate a cross
Make an Easter garden
Create an Easter card
Write a prayer
We are happy to receive photos of your own Easter creations that have not been included in our list.
English - Monday 30th March
Today you will be looking at prepositions. We have included a couple of PowerPoints to help you with your task so have a look at these first. Then you can choose the task level which you feel most happy with.
Prepositions are linking words. Prepositions are very important words - they link words together in a way that makes sense. Prepositions come before a noun (or pronoun) to explain its relationship to other words in the sentence.
English - Tuesday 31st March
Now you have identified the prepositions and prepositional phrases in sentences, we would like you to write some sentences using prepositions in today's worksheet. If you feel super confident, you could also have a go at being a 'preposition detective'.
English - Wednesday 1st April
Prefixes .
English - Thursday 2nd April
Today's English task is linked to the RE emotions graph and Easter story (found in our Easter section). We would like you to write a diary entry as Mary, mother of Jesus, explaining how she felt on the three significant days of Holy Week:
Palm Sunday; Good Friday and Easter Sunday.
You don't need to write more than one paragraph for each day and we would like you to use some the vocabulary in yesterday's prefix work: using the prefix 'un' to change a word to show its opposite meaning. We have included a word bank below (but feel free to use your own words too). You can use the opposite word on a different day, for example:
Good Friday
I felt uncertain that I would ever see my son alive again.
Easter Sunday
The stone had been rolled away and I was certain that Jesus was alive.
happy/unhappy caring/uncaring likely/unlikely kind/unkind certain/uncertain sure/unsure
Remember you ARE Mary, so write using 1st person pronouns.
Friday 3rd April
Good morning,
We hope you have enjoyed learning about the Easter story. Today's English task is to write your own version of the Easter story as a comic strip. We would like you to use your fabulous writing skills and think about what the characters are saying, remember to write the character's speech in speech bubbles.
We have also uploaded some other tasks to help you to stay motivated. You can use the words included in the word search to support your writing of the Easter story.
Friday 3rd April
Maths - Monday 30th March
Today you will start looking at our unit on time, focusing on the number of days in each month. We have included a poster, PowerPoint and two videos to help you with your task so have a look at these first. Then you can choose the task level which you feel most happy with.
Can you learn the rhyme for the number of days in each month?
Remember that this year is a leap year (so there was 29 days in February) and that leap years only happen every 4 years!
Maths - Tuesday 31st March
Over the next 2 days, you will start to read time in 5 minute intervals (your 5 times tables knowledge will come in handy for this)! Today, look carefully at the powerpoint and use the blank clock faces sheet to work interactively when prompted. If you wish to submit the sheets you have filled in whilst using the powerpoint to your teacher, feel free to do so. Tomorrow we will give you some differentiated work to choose from. Good luck with today's learning.
Maths - Wednesday 1st April
As promised, here are the differentiated worksheets to choose from:
Maths - Thursday 2nd April
Today we are going to do a fun Easter activity, whilst learning at the same time! The attached document is a sequence of Easter eggs and your job is to match the addition and subtraction number sentences.
Friday 3rd April
Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication throughout this difficult time. Your standard of work has be fantastic!
For today, and over the Easter holiday, we would like you to continue to develop your times tables skills. We have given you times table mosaics to work out and colour, as well as some code breaking puzzles to solve. Please take your time to practice as often as possible.
We are coming to the end of our Urban Art topic, but there is still another week before we break up for Easter. Therefore, we wondered if you could make the most of the beautiful Spring weather and, when doing your daily exercise activity outdoors with your adult or family group, you might want to head towards somewhere that might have some local graffiti art. I will put on a map of a fabulous example at the Welling High Street end of Northumberland Avenue, where you can see the history of Welling over the past 200 years, shown by way of graffiti art. Both of the railway underpasses on opposite sides of the road have this amazing example of urban art. Also in welling, is the Cannon on Welling Corner, which is also considered urban art because it is a sculpture representing the Crimean War, Send us some photos, but do remember to keep 2 metres apart from others when using the pavements (your responsible adult(s) can help you to keep your distance).
I have also uploaded a word document that you can copy or print and colour, why not try and write your own name using graffiti letters? Remember to send us your pictures of your fabulous work.#
Have fun and stay safe!
Previous learning
Week Beginning 23rd March 2020
Daily Tasks
Reading Comprehension
We like to remind you how important it is for your child to be reading on a daily bases. However, we understand that some days can be more difficult than others to support your child's learning, especially if you have other children who are in different year groups.
We have uploaded an internet link to the wonderful world of David Walliams and his excellent range of audio books.
We have also uploaded a range of 60 second reading comprehension challenges which the child can download and answer questions linked to the text.
These resources cannot be converted to Word. Please write your answers on a separate piece of paper.
Please continue to listen to the David Walliams audio books and to continue the reading comprehension challenges. Also try to read your home/school reading book daily (with an adult or older sibling if possible).
Friday 27th March - Maths
Well done for all of your work on Maths this week. Next week we will be moving on to work on 'Time' so today's work will be some revision work on o'clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to. We have included a couple of PowerPoints to help you remember.
Sheet 1 focuses on o'clock and half past and sheet 2 is a bit more of a challenge also including quarter past and quarter to. You can choose whichever challenge suits you best!
Diana class - please email your work to Mrs Mason today (Friday). I look forward to hearing from you!
Don't forget to play Times Table Rock Stars, and then maybe challenge your adults to game - Have you been learning your times tables? Challenge each other over Face Time.
We hope you have enjoyed looking through our Guided Learning materials (PowerPoints). Now you have had a chance to develop your skills in statistics by interpreting data from tables, we would like you to use your skills for reasoning and to solve word problems.
We hope you like the challenge!
Day 3 of your home learning and you have been amazing: your teachers are certainly impressed with your hard work and the obvious progress you are making, evidenced in the work that you are returning to us.
For the rest of this week, we would like you to continue to learn about statistics and we have put on a powerpoint showing you how to present and interpret tables. Take the time to look through the powerpoint as often as you need to and then attempt the worksheets, which today will be focusing on fluency (we will add some reasoning and problem solving work later today for you to complete tomorrow).
Fantastic! You have worked extremely well and used your maths skills to work through some of the task. Today, we have made a Bar charts work sheet for you to complete but this time you will be using your reasoning and problem solving skills to help you to work through these tasks.
We have also uploaded a poster, RUCSAC, to remind you how to solve problems. Please use RUCSAC while working through these tasks.
We will continue to use our skills to learn about statistics, for example, interpreting and presenting data on a bar charts and table.
Here is a Powerpoint to teach you how to use and interpret bar charts and tables. We have also attached a work sheet for you to try to complete yourself at home. We will also upload another sheet to challenge you. Have a go!
26.03.20 and 27.03.20
Some of you are still working on your amazing leaflets, it would be great if they could be in for us to look at by the end of this week. Some of you have already written you pursuasive argument about whether or not urban graffiti art should be allowed or not. What is your point of view? For those of you that are still preparing your argument, look at the powerpoint on Banksy that we've added today because it might give you more ideas to persuade others to come to your way of thinking. Also, do look at the powerpoints that give you tips on what features to use to persuade others. Good luck and well done to those who have already sent their convincing arguments to us.
If you have completed all this week's English task, take a look at the Banksy worksheets attached that invite you to write the thoughts you have against certain works of Banksy's art. Also, we have posted this week's spellings and I am sure there are words there that are new to you. Find out what they mean and put them in a sentence, then impress your teacher by emailing us your newly acquired words.
Your leaflets have been amazing, some of you have been able to add images from the website using the Publisher tool and others have added their own photos or illustrations to make their leaflets attractive. You have also followed the guidelines to ensure that you have used the features usually used on a leaflet to persuade others to visit a place.
Today, we would like you to spend time looking at the powerpoints we have added that will give you tips about how to write a persuasive argument (you can use the templates provided to help you persuade others to take your point of view). Tomorrow, we will be asking you to write a persuasive argument to convince your reader that urban art such as 'graffiti' should be seen on our streets or not (depending upon your own point of view).
Wow, you have worked so well!
We would like to thank you for your hard work, support and quick response to the work set yesterday. The leaflets that have been created and sent back to us are fabulous, thank you.
We would like you to look at the leaflet you created yesterday, what is is about? Is there anything you would like to change/add? Have you used persuasive language? Did you think about your audience? Who will be reading the leaflet?
We have uploaded some Guided Learning PowerPoints to help you think about how you can improve your leaflet by adding some persuasive language to your writing. Remember to use the checklist below: Features of a Leaflet.
In English we have been designing a leaflet using persuasive language. Your task over the next few days is to use the template attached to create your own leaflet to persuade people to visit your amazing town or venue.
Remember to use the features of a leaflet that you have used in your written work:
- heading;
- sub-heading;
- Illustrations;
- photo;
- paragraphs; and
- persuasive words and phrases
We have attached an example of a leaflet created using desktop publisher that you can amend and save as your own leaflet (you can add your own relevant photos) or you can use the blank PDF template to create your leaflet.
We are coming to the end of our Urban Art topic, but there is still another week before we break up for Easter. Therefore, we wondered if you could make the most of the beautiful Spring weather and, when doing your daily exercise activity outdoors with your adult or family group, you might want to head towards somewhere that might have some local graffiti art. I will put on a map of a fabulous example at the Welling High Street end of Northumberland Avenue, where you can see the history of Welling over the past 200 years, shown by way of graffiti art. Both of the railway underpasses on opposite sides of the road have this amazing example of urban art. Also in welling, is the Cannon on Welling Corner, which is also considered urban art because it is a sculpture representing the Crimean War, Send us some photos, but do remember to keep 2 metres apart from others when using the pavements (your responsible adult(s) can help you to keep your distance).
I have also uploaded a word document that you can copy or print and colour, why not try and write your own name using graffiti letters? Remember to send us your pictures of your fabulous work.#
Have fun and stay safe!
This week's spellings!
We have added the spelling activities from your pink spelling journals: we hope this will help you when you are learning your spellings.
There are no spellings this week but we would like you to have another look at the Year 3 speed spell words and learn a few more (even if you have achieved an amazing 50/50, ask if your adult will test you again to see if you can still achieve this). Good luck!