Story Competition!
Bishop Ridley Writing Competition
As part of our celebrations, we would like to encourage you to write your very own story for National Storytelling Week.
This is a story of your choice and can be about whatever you want! You may want to link it to your topic work or write a sequel for a story that you already love- the choice is yours!
Our competition will run across National Storytelling Week and the half term holiday to give you plenty of time to plan, write and illustrate your work (if you want to). Please email your story to your class teacher by Wednesday 24th February at the latest to give them time to select their winner. The winning writers will be revealed on Friday 26th February and will get to choose their very own brand new book which will be delivered straight to you for you to enjoy reading during lockdown! Miss Facey will contact individual winners to find out which book they would like to choose.
We can’t wait to see your amazing writing and will share all of the story entries submitted on our individual Year Group pages for everyone to enjoy.
If you would like to write a story but aren’t sure where to start, have a look at here where there are some story starters and resources to help you.
Happy writing, everybody! :D