Wednesday 24th February
In today's video - the teacher tells you that 'oul' is a trigraph. This is incorrect. We want to show you how 'ou' can also make the sound within the words on the video and therefore have chosen it to demonstrate this to you. Please ignore the man when he says that 'oul' is a trigraph!!!
Phonics worksheet
PE with Mr E
Hello Year 1 I hope you had a good half term.
This term we will be focusing on the sport netball. Please find a video below to help improve your netball shooting skills. Please send your child's work to
Have fun and good luck
Mr E
MUSIC with Mrs. Lee
Hi kids
It is great to be back in music ''class'' with you all
On the Topic of SUPER heroes I want to tell you that you are all SUPERHERO's in your own right. You have all been so BRAVE through this pandemic and you all deserve a and a cape as well.
For todays activity ask your adult if you can borrow a scarf, a dish cloth or if you have a cape put that on!
YOU are our SUPERHERO's and we are so proud of all of you!
As I said previously dance has got so many benefits for your body and mind.
Today my aim is for you to try to follow the moves and HAVE FUN!
You should be able to do this without an adult.
(click here) Kids Superhero Song - Let's Be Superheroes | Action Songs for Kids - Bounce Patrol - Bing video
(click here) Jesus My Super Hero Dance - Bing video