Good morning Diana Class,
How are you today?
Well, another week of 'Home Learning', Yay, what shall we do?
I am sure you are aware that we had planned to make this last week a Christmas Learning Activity Week - full of fun, crafts, colouring and mind-boggling puzzles. I will still try to create this through home learning this week.
Mrs Cooper and Mrs Torrance have been working extremely hard in school; packing up your craft activities for the week. YOUR ACTIVITY PACK for this week can be picked up from the school office at any time AFTER 1pm today.
For now, I would like you to continue to develop your mathematical skills in Problem Solving and Reasoning skills while working out 3x 4x 8x word problems using the RUCSAC method. You do not need to print out the sheet (it can be read online). I would like you to show all your working out and answers on a separate piece of paper. I have also attached the answers for your adult to help challenge you at home.
Your child's activity pack is ready to be picked up. Remember, you must not bring your child into school because they are isolating.
I will be putting on a new task everyday for the children to complete (all resources are in the pack, cut and ready to use). Please only use what is suggested on the website each day as I will be showing your child what I expect to see them create each day.
For example, you will be creating a Christmas card tomorrow, using the blue card and the doves so do not use those for any other activity.
English time! Thank you for the work sent already. I will wait until all work has been sent over before sending any reply. This means I will try to email you with a reply every day, internet permitting.
For English today, I would like you to write a letter to Santa. However, your request is going to be slightly different. Last Thursday, many of you created Christmas Cards for your local community, which was extremely thoughtful and very kind. Therefore, I thought it would be a great idea to write a letter to Santa asking him to help your local community.
What do you think your local community needs?
What could you ask Santa to bring to the local community?
Could it be to share random acts of kindness around the community, such as, suggesting someone bakes Christmas cookies and send them around the community (COVID safety first) or singing Choirs on the Green with your Bubble groups (socially distanced, of course), maybe you might like to ask Santa to send snow so that everyone will get to make snowmen and angels in the snow. You could even ask Santa to help God send messages to everyone in their sleep, asking them to call their relatives and check that they are ok? You might even discuss food banks, Kids Christmas presents - remember many people haven't been to the shops to buy presents because of Lock Down and some haven't got the money for Christmas this year because some adults have sadly lost their jobs due to Lock Down. You might want to ask Santa to help those families.
I know that you will think of the best ways that you can to support your local community and I am sure you will give Santa enough ideas to last a life time!
Enjoy your writing today. Don't rush, just enjoy your time thinking about how you can help Santa help your local community.
Story Time!
Can you create your very own Christmas Story? Below is a Story Board - you will need a dice. I though it would be fun for you to make up a Christmas Story with your adults or siblings - take turns to roll the dice and add a little bit more to the story every time it's your turn.
This is a Speaking and Listening activity, which is suppose to help you enjoy your day and create some fun together. Your story does not need to be sent into me.