Friday 27.11.20
Year 2 Pupils of the Week
From Goodall class, Mrs Horlock says "’I'd like to nominate Scarlett for Compassion. In addition to completely getting on board with her home learning, she has been completing the Children in Need, Act your Age Challenge and has been doing six minutes of ballet for six days. Well done Scarlett, that’s amazing!"
From Anning class Mrs Coles says "I would like to nominate Jonah for the values of Compassion and Love; he always asks after me and my family in the daily emails I receive but he also showed a genuine concern in his wish-list letter to Father Christmas for Santa and the elves' safety and wellbeing in these tricky times. Thankfully, even the Prime Minister has been on this and hand sanitiser and social distancing should keep them all safe. Well done Jonah."
English 27.11.20