Wednesday 3rd March
Phonics worksheet
Please complete the same activity as yesterday but choosing a different role within the NHS to focus on from the PowerPoint.
Maths worksheet
MUSIC with Mrs. Lee
I am so excited about this terms music! I am sure you will love it too.
Information for parents: What is the physical benefits for partaking in dance classes?
* Through dance children develop a great range of skills such as working within a different space (spatial awareness) Meaning how I maneuver my body around without bumping into things or people. My position in a specific area
* Dance and movement patterns also develop kinesthetic memory, strength and endurance.
*It also helps with control, balance and co-ordination.
Follow the link below to have some exercise and fun. The song is also a repeat after me song so feel free to repeat the song a few times to learn the words and the movements.
PE with Mr E
Hope you had a good week and looking forward to next week.
I would like you to keep practicing your netball skills and look at the video below for another fun and exciting game.
Have fun.
Mr E