Year 2
Good morning; welcome to Year 2! We are really excited to be working with you this week ready for September.
You can complete the work electronically; this can simply be saved on your own computer/laptop and emailed back to your new class teacher using the emails below. If you have completed the work on paper, please take a photograph of it and email that.
We aim to be available between 9:00 am and 12pm Monday to Friday so, if you have any questions or concerns, please get in touch with us. Please note that we will be in school at some point during the week to give provision for the children of Key Workers; at these times, our responses may come later or the following day.
Nightingale/Goodall Class -
Cavell/Anning Class -
Please send your work to your class teacher with your name and date as the subject of the email.
We can't wait to see what you send us x
Remember, if you need to take a break from work or are looking for something a little different, make sure you check our 'Take a Break' page run by Mrs Lee, Mrs Charity and Mr Edwards.
Mr Edwards and Miss Sears have come up with something a little different for you over the next few weeks:
Calling all budding Olympians, this is your chance to win the GOLD. Due to there being no sports day this year, Mr Edwards and Miss Sears have come up with different challenges for your child/children to complete over a 5 week period. The challenges will be on the “Take a break Page” from Monday 8th June to Friday 10th July. Your child has the opportunity to attempt a Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum challenge. Please can you turn your attention to the take a break page to find out all the information you need to know. Good Luck.​
As part of our commitment to make Maths exciting and high profile in our school, we are taking part in a friendly competition involving schools from Greater London from Monday 22nd June to Friday 26th June. The competition is called 'London Rocks 2020' and will take place on the Times Tables Rock Stars website.
For every correct answer to a multiplication or division question, you will earn your class a point. The Times Tables Rock Stars platform will calculate the class average (the number of correct answers per pupil in the class who play during the competition hours). Winning classes in the school and in the competition as a whole will be the ones with the highest average and prizes will be available to pupils in the top 3 schools.
All game modes (Gig, Garage, Studio, etc.) will count but only from games played between 2pm and 7pm on Monday 22nd, Tuesday 23rd, Wednesday 24th, Thursday 25th and Friday 26th June.
Though the competition is open for 5 hours a day, we suggest you spend no longer than half an hour a day taking part; remember to look after your mental health and make sure you get plenty of fresh air!
Our Promise to You
Whilst we are closed, this page will be used as a way of communicating with year 2 children and families.. We aim to update it by 9am daily (Monday to Friday) and the children will need to get into the habit of checking here regularly.
The page will be set out as follows:
Home learning tasks - dated weekly
This section will contain daily Maths and English activities.
For Maths, there will be a range of tasks that will revise topics and develop new skills from the Year 2 curriculum. We have tried to include a mix of online games, songs, interactive activities and work that can be completed and emailed back to us as a Word document.. Children should also revise their number bonds and times tables.
For English, again, there will be a range of tasks that will revise topics and and new skills that need to be taught. We have tried to include a mix of videos, reading comprehension, SPAG and writing tasks that can be completed and emailed back to us as a Word document.. Children should complete the same 'starred' activity that they normally get for homework, although we welcome anyone wanting a challenge!
Children should continue to read to an adult and discuss what they have read on a regular basis.
Topic/RE/Science Tasks - dated weekly
These tasks will be more creative and related to our topic Land Ahoy, Science or have an RE focus. These will be uploaded through the week and any work should also be emailed back to the class teacher, including photographs if that is how you choose to record your child's achievements.
If the child can complete the work electronically, this can simply be saved on your own computer/laptop and emailed back to your class teacher using the emails below. If your child has completed the work on paper, please take a photograph of it and email that. We will endeavour to look through all pieces of work sent to us and will reply with a comment where appropriate.
We aim to be available between 9:00 am and 12pm Monday to Friday so, if you have any questions or concerns, please get in touch with us. Please note that we will be in school at some point during the week to give provision for the children of Key Workers; at these times, our responses may come later or the following day.
Goodall Class -
Anning Class -
Please send your child's work to his/her class teacher with their name and date as the subject of the email.
Easter Challenges
Daily Tasks - English
Daily tasks - Maths
Weekly Topic Tasks
Additional Home School Learning
Rainbow in the window pictures

Please try and read your school reading book every day and get an adult to record this in your Reading Record book.
PE will be on Wednesday and Friday.
Number bonds and times tables will be checked at intervals during the week.
Homework is set on Friday and is due in on Wednesday.
Spelling tests are on Fridays.