Good morning Year 5!
Well done for all of your excellent work on word classes last week. Today we are going to look at suffixes, focusing on ‘_ate’, ‘_ise’ and ‘_ify’.
Remember that a suffix is an ‘ending’, used at the end of one word to turn it into another word!
This week I have given you a couple of PowerPoints to look through to help with your understanding. Then choose one of the sheets to complete based on how confident you feel. Take your time, don’t rush and re-read your answers carefully!
Armstrong class - Remember to email Mrs Mason today.
As today will be my last lesson with you all, I wanted to say how much I have loved teaching you all over the last few years. I am so proud of every one of you and have really enjoyed watching you grow and learn. You have all adapted so well in these crazy times and achieved so much with your home learning. I have loved receiving your emails on a Thursday but have really missed seeing you all in person. I wish you all the best as you move into year 6 and will come find you to say hello whenever I can! Thank you for all of the amazing support from parents and carers at home and thank you to all of you for working so hard and being your wonderful selves. Remember to stay true to yourself, always do your best and try to be nice to your parents Stay safe and I hope you have a fantastic summer,
Have fun,
Mrs Mason