Good Morning,
Well, this is it, the last day of the school year. What a year it's been!
I would like to say thank you to all of you for such a great start to Year 3. It's been fab!
Today, I would like you to have a go at the maths task set, maybe challenge someone in your family? Once you have completed this, I'd like you to relax and enjoy an afternoon of Christmas Movies. After all of your hard work and compassion learned this year, you have certainly earned it.
Next Year, we will be learning a new topic, Tribal Tales. One of the books we will be studying is called, Ug by Raymond Briggs. He was also the author of, The Snowman and Father Christmas, which I have uploaded for you to watch today.
Remember, I don't work on a Friday so if you have any questions or work to send over please remember to send it to Mrs Torrance or Mrs Ellis, please.
Have a wonderful and safe Christmas. Look after one another and help out as much as you can - even a morning smile and a loving greeting is all we need.
We look forward to see you in the New Year 2021, on 5th January 2021.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Take care and stay safe.