Friday 26.02.21
Pupil of the Week:
Anning Class - I would like to nominate Freddie for the Christian value of friendship. Freddie has been in school over the past few weeks and he always makes sure that whatever game he is playing on the playground, everyone is included and no-one is left on their own. What a great friend you are Freddie, thank you.
Goodall Class - I would like to nominate Jacob for the Christian values of Endurance and Perseverance. Over the last few weeks, Jacob has worked steadily and conscientiously to produce that best work he could while being at home. His work is always neat and well thought out. Well done Jacob, I know we can keep this up when we are back in school. Great job.
Year 2 Story Writing Competition:
Anning Class: I would like to thank Ava, Jonah and Venu for their participation and enthusiasm in the competition. I enjoyed all three entries and you can read them yourself on our main Year 2 Class page. The winner is Venu for his use of interesting vocabulary, sentence structure and punctuation but mainly because I wanted to read more!
Congratulations Venu!
Goodall Class: I would like to say thank you to Scarlett, Sharon, Alex, Elsie and Ashviga for their entries into our writing competition. I really appreciate how much work you have all put into your stories and I enjoyed reading all of them. I will add them to the slide show so that everyone can enjoy them too. The winner is...... drum roll....Scarlett!
Scarlett has not only written a story but created a whole book. She used her knowledge from our lesson on how to write a blurb to create one for her own book and incorporated the features of a book cover into her's. Not only that, but she wrote out her story, corrected it in purple pen and then wrote it up into best so that she was sharing her best work (even though her little sister tried to join in and ripped some of her pages.) Well done Scarlett, amazing job!