Curriculum Intent
As ‘One Community, Learning and Growing Together, Sharing the Love of God’, we understand that our curriculum is the collective drive behind everything we do. Extensive consultation with all stakeholders helped to shape our curriculum to achieve four main intentions and we strive to support each member of our community to:
- Understand personal development
- Realise academic potential
- Become a responsible citizen
- Build a successful future.
Curriculum Implementation
Our Curriculum is subject-focused, knowledge-rich and child-centred, with our Intent at the heart. It enhances the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of our children, which is underpinned by our school vision and values.
We ensure that the National Curriculum is covered effectively and make cross-curricular links where possible to capitalise on pupils' interests. Furthermore, learning is extended through trips and visitors, themed days and extra-curricular activities.
Knowledge organisers ensure that pupils are given opportunities to know more and remember more and each subject has a clear progression map for both skills and knowledge so that staff can build upon prior knowledge with confidence.
We understand that children learn in different ways and staff are encouraged to adapt lessons to enable all children to access the curriculum.
We understand that our curriculum is the vehicle through which the children learn not just academic skills, but also interpersonal skills that equip them further for modern life. As a result, the impact of our curriculum can be seen through:
- Statutory Assessment Outcomes
- Attendance Data
- Behaviour Records
- Pupil voice surveys
- Pupils’ conduct in lessons and around school
- Engagement in enrichment
- Monitoring from Staff and Governors
…and most importantly, through the pupils themselves as they conduct their daily lives with the understanding that we are, “One Community, Learning and Growing Together, Sharing the Love of God.”
To find out more about our curriculum, please contact Perry Catchpole (Deputy Headteacher) via the school office.