Below is a collection of poems that I think you will thoroughly enjoy sharing with each other. Amongst the poems are poetry handwriting challenges, which will help you to improve your handwriting skills whilst learning from home.
Extra challenge: I have also uploaded 'The Poetry Detective' work sheet. I wonder if you could meet the challenges set and work out what kind of poetry you are reading.
There are some helpful posters that will support your learning and thinking throughout the challenges.
Good Luck!
Music in school
Music at home
Following on with our 'Let your spirit fly' music topic this term, I would like you to listen to the following song – ‘Consider yourself’ from the musical Oliver.
Whilst listening, have a think about the following questions:
Do you like the song?
What can you hear?
What is the style of music?
How is the song put together?
Once you have answered the questions have a go at finding the beat/pulse/ rhythm of the song and tap/ clap/ stomp along. If you have any instruments at home, feel free to use these!
Enjoy! Miss Constant :)
Hello Year 3. Hope you are all keeping well. Our main focus this term is balance. Balance is important throughout life and is great for other sports we may play in the future.
Therefore, could you please make an obstacle course around your home (please ask your adults permission) with a start and end point. In your obstacle course you need to place objects that you will have to balance on, like a pillow, cushion or a piece of paper. You then need to get from the start to the end using different ways of travelling e.g. hopping on one leg or hold a position (like a statue) for 5 seconds to develop your balance skills. Below is a video of a game called Lava floor, which you can play or use to get ideas for your own obstacle course you will create.
Again please ask permission from your adult before you use a pillow, cushion or stand on the sofas, like I have in the video. Please send me pictures of your obstacle course to dedwards@bishop-ridley.bexley.sch.uk
Below is another video that you can play with an adult or sibling to help improve your reactions. You will also find a video to help you create a chatterbox where you can put different exercises in the chatterbox to complete. Please try to include some balancing exercises inside your chatterbox. Please bring in your chatterboxes on the 1st December for us to use in PE.
Have fun and I look forward to seeing what you have achieved.
Mr Edwards