Friday 22.01.21
Year 2 Pupils of the Week:
From Anning Class, Mrs Coles has nominated Sam for the Christian value of Wisdom. Sam showed this in his responses in his RE work when he made links between God and the grown-ups who love and care for us.
From Goodall Class, Mrs Horlock has nominated Theo for the values of Endurance and Wisdom as he has made the most of his learning opportunities with his family and friends, as well as with school.
Well done to both of you!
However, you are all continuing to make us very proud, thank you x.
Maths 22.01.21

Maths 22.01.21
English 22.01.21

English 22.01.21
Phonics 22.01.21
Topic Art 22.01.21 Please, just answer the questions and draw a picture on plain paper if you cannot print the pdf, thank you.
Friday 22.01.21 - Oliver Moon and the Potion Commotion - Chapter 5