Wednesday 27th January
Rosen Class
Please remember that Mrs Kenway is in school today and therefore will be unable to respond to emails. Please send the work through though as she is still looking forward to reading it!
Daily flipchart

Music with Mrs. Lee
Hi kids
Oh how I miss seeing all your friendly faces and making some noise with you! I hear from your teachers that you are all doing an amazing job and working hard from home. Keep it up. This too shall pass.
Well today we are continuing our knowledge on pulse and how we can make patterns. In the video the teacher explains our Walt (what are we learning today) and she has a cute little friend for you to meet. You will need about 16min to complete the lesson. You should be able to complete this on your own. Enjoy.
Creating simple patterns (
Hello Year 1.
I hope you are all staying safe and had a good weekend. Please find another video of a hockey activity to try. It is called Hockey Bowling. Have fun and try to challenge yourself if it becomes too easy.
Also, please see another video below of some skills I would like you to perform as they are targets for Year 1 PE.
Thank you all for taking part in either the physical activities I set or performing your own.
Have fun.
Mr Edwards