3rd April 2020 - Celebration Worship
Welcome to our collective worship page. It's Mr Keep here. May the Lord be with you.
Today we come to the end of our second week of home learning and we are going to celebrate some of the perseverance and dedication which pupils have shown across the school.
Don't forget to head over to the Bishop Ridley Church Facebook page for Reverend Mark's Collective Worship
Pupils of the Week
Mrs Kenway selected Zachary for going over and above with all of his school work and making his work very visual. Well done Zachary!
Year 1
Mr Murphy says that picking a pupil of the week is really hard. He congratulates all of Cavell class for the work that they have been doing. They have all been showing real endurance in their focus and determination to carry on learning. He loved the models from Hollie, Mason and Ava and seeing the out of school achievements (like Honey learning to ride a bike). Keep those updates coming in!
Nightingale class have chosen Amelie for the values of endurance and creation for not only working really hard to undertake all of the work set to a very high standard, but also spending additional time creating her own fairy garden. Well done, Amelie!
Year 2
Mrs Coles nominates Drew for the value of friendship. WIth his family he has set up a Zoom meeting so all the children can chat every day at 11.
Mrs Horlock nominated Jack P this week for Endurance and Wisdom for choosing to work hard at home on his learning and not giving up when he finds things tough.
Year 3
Elizabeth Class's pupil of the week is Ki'marni-Rose for the endurance and discipline she is showing with her home learning and her positive attitude, evidenced through all the hard work and images she has submitted. Well done!
Mrs Greenhead has chosen Jack W as he has consistently worked hard to improve his reading comprehension skills throughout this term. He has also shown great enthusiasm to take ownership of his learning and setting goals to achieve while learning at home.
Year 4
Mrs Torrance has chosen Luella for showing compassion and endurance for her beautiful work completed at home and sticking to a daily routine. She has been completing regular keep fit activities too. Well done.
Miss Sears chooses Freddie this week for Endurance. She's been impressed by the work she has received from home and particularly his vocabulary and comprehension work. Keep it up!
Year 5
Mrs Gorin's pupils of the week are Ava and Kyren for extremely hard work, completing additional tasks and fantastic efforts. She could not be happier with their final results.
Mr Martindale would like to have Ignas as his pupil of the week. This is for the value of endurance as he has been working hard all week and has undertaken a lot of extra work, sending in some amazing photos of mini-beasts he has encountered in the local park/woods.
Year 6
Miss Facey says, "Isla has been a superstar this week, demonstrating our Christian Values of endurance and love. She has worked really hard to complete all of her work to the highest possible standard and has had a go at the tricky challenges that we have been setting. She has also been supporting her younger brother with his work every day, displaying her kind and patient attitude." Well done Isla!
Mr Catchpole was finding it really hard to find a pupil of the week - there are amany children who consistently work hard every day! He decided to nominate Tilly for showing real resilience when the work gets tricky and for going above and beyond with her work every day. Well done, Tilly!
Sports Person of the Week
Mr Edwards has selected Sports Person of the Week as Jennifer (Yr6) for her excellent commitment to staying physical and healthy. She has completed many of the activities set as well as coming up with some of her own activities to complete as well.
Our Prayer for Today
Let's finish the week with the Lord's Prayer
Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power,
and the glory are yours
now and for ever.
Have a safe and enjoyable weekend and we will see you back on line on Monday