Monday 13th July
Welcome to Year 6!
Dear Year 5 (soon to be Year 6!),
We are so excited to welcome you to Year 6! We have heard wonderful things about you and can’t wait to meet you all properly in September. In this letter, we will explain some of the key events which will take place in Year 6 and try and tell you a little bit about ourselves as well. There is also a PowerPoint below which gives you information about Year 6, so you might want to give that a quick read as well!
Miss Facey has been teaching for 8 years and has been a Year 6 teacher for 4 years. She loves English, especially creative writing, and is looking forward to reading all of your writing in September. Her interests include looking after her naughty kitten, reading and watching Netflix.
Mr Catchpole has been teaching for 11 years and has spent 6 years teaching Year 6. He enjoys teaching maths and hopes that he can persuade everybody to share his enthusiasm for the subject! In his spare time, he enjoys travelling, going the cinema and reading Harry Potter repeatedly.
You should know that we both have high expectations and we expect each and every one of you to give your best effort. Some lessons will be difficult, but all that we ask from you is that you try your very best. The first half of the year is quite full-on as many of you will undertake your 11+ exams and we also work hard to prepare you for the SATs. However, there are also plenty of things to look forward to such as Bikeability and our end of year production, which we know that you will enjoy.
Your task now is to write a letter to your new class teacher, telling them all about yourself! Your letter should include information regarding your family, your friends, your interests/ hobbies and your favourite subjects. This will also be a good opportunity for you to ask any questions about Year 6 or voice any worries you may have regarding September. We would also like you to consider some goals for the year ahead. One should be academic (for example, ‘I want to learn all of my times tables up to 12 x 12) and one should be more personal (such as, ‘I want to put my hand up more in lessons’).
Finally, one of the most exciting things about Year 6 is that you have the chance to become a school prefect. Please have a look at the list of jobs on the PowerPoint attached and let us know which job you would like to undertake and why.
We look forward to learning more about you and can’t wait to see you in September!
Miss Facey and Mr Catchpole