Friday 12.02.21
Good morning everyone,
We would just like to say how amazing you have all been and we know that every single one of you has worked so hard over the last few weeks. We know it has not been easy and feel that you and your grown-ups have been incredible.
Anning Class Pupil of the Term goes to Honey for showing immense strength of character and true resilience. She has adapted to some big changes and has consistently shown the value of love.
Goodall Class Pupil of the Term goes to Olivia. She embodies all of our Christian values and has constantly worked hard with a cheerful determination. Her emails every day always bring a smile to my face.
Well done to everyone, you have made us so very proud.
Enjoy your break and come back ready for more exciting learning.
With lots of love,
Mrs Horlock and Mrs Coles
Maths 12.02.21
English 12.02.21
Phonics 12.02.21
Topic 12.02.21
Happy Friday, we made it! To finish off our week and term, topic work this afternoon is free choice. I have uploaded lots of different activities for you to try if you would like. I have included some Chinese writing posters in case you would like to try copying them. There is also some mindful colouring, a word search and some craft projects, including an idea on how to make a fire-breathing dragon! Have fun and send us lots of photos.
Have a lovely break and happy Chinese New Year.