Equality & Diversity
At Bishop Ridley, we are committed to advancing equality and promoting respect for difference and diversity through our vision, ethos and values.
- One Community – As “One Community”, we understand that we are all different, and all equal. In our school, we believe that it is key for children to develop a respect for those that are different to them in order to build the one global community we strive for.
- Learning and growing together – We understand that many equality and diversity issues are sensitive. As part of “Learning and Growing Together”, we approach this on two levels: firstly, a level that models education being the key way to break barriers and build understanding and, secondly, a level that recognises the conscious and unconscious bias of us all and its impact on achieving a truly inclusive world.
- Sharing the love of God – We understand that equality and diversity is rooted in the theology of ‘Understanding Christianity’. Through key themes, such as Creation and Fall, we know that humans are made in the image of God, everyone is unique and wonderfully made, but all make mistakes. Christians believe that it is through God that we can be united in love.
One Community Team
During 2023, we launched our One Community Team. This is a group made up of pupil representatives from across KS2. Their aim is to ensure that the school is free from bullying of any type. Children volunteered and were subsequently elected to be on the team.
The team meets with the Head Teacher and members of the Equality & Diversity Forum (see below) to plan actions and events to promote a fair and inclusive school in line with our school vision of
"One Community, Learning & Growing Together, Sharing the Love of God".
Equality & Diversity Forum
The school invites members of the school community (parents/carers of children in the school, staff, governors and members of the Bishop Ridley Church) to share ideas and support the school in achieving its aims through our Equality & Diversity Forum.
The forum meets approximately once a term and discusses a wide variety of topics linked to equality, diversity and inclusion. We are always looking to broaden membership and ensure that it is broad and representative of the school community.
If you are interested in attending the forum, please contact the school office for more information.
Recent work within the forum has included:
- Plans for the school's Equality & Diversity Week
- Plans for whole staff Equality & Diversity training
- A review of school library books
- Review of the PSHE & RSE Curriculum
- Meeting with the school SENDCo to better understand SEND across the school
- Work alongside the "One Community Team"
Policy Documents
The School's Equality (including Equal Opportunities) & Diversity Policies can be found on our "Policies" page.
Equality and Diversity Week - 2022
As a key drive for our Equality and Diversity work in the curriculum, each year group has covered a range of Equality and Diversity learning through learning about key individuals and events.
Useful Resources for Parents/Carers
The following resources have been recommended through the school's Equality and Diversity forum and have each proven to be a useful tool in approaching different elements of equality and diversity learning. However, please be aware that these resources are not controlled by the school and should be reviewed carefully before using.