Year 3 Heroes and Villains Exhibition
Year 3 have been enjoying the topic,
'Heroes and Villains'
They have learnt many new skills to support future learning.
The book we have been studying is,

More Home Learning - Thank you for thinking so creatively while learning home home!

These are some of the things the children have learnt this term. The children enjoyed discussing and writing what they found most delightful.

Pink Suffolk Houses
We found this incredibly hard to make. The cereal box is made out of cardboard so it was difficult to bend the card; making it a struggle to stick together before painting.
Why did we make Pink Suffolk Houses? Ask your child where the Dalmatian puppies were being kept after they were kidnapped?
What was the place called? Hint: H H

One of our favourite tasks this term was creating a WANTED poster on Word - computer program. We learned how to edit the words (use the Font tap), insert a boarder, change the colour of the writing and insert a picture of the characters from the story.
Ask your child to support you while you try to create a poster at home. Do they rememeber how to insert a picture?
Using our Design Technology skills to create a Pink Suffolk House. Here is our finished houses.
Oh no! The puppies have gone. Where could they have got to?
The children in Year 3 have been using their art and writing skills to make a Lost Puppy Poster. They had a fantastic discussion with each other; asking each other questions that will help them to think creatively.