Week 4 - 27/9/24
This term, the children have been completing their Place Value unit (numbers up to 1000) in their Maths lessons. Next week, we are due to go onto our new unit of 'Addition and Subtraction', however some of the children are still struggling to add and subtract a number from a given number. Therefore, as more practise this week, we would like the children to continue focusing on adding and subtracting 1, 10 or 100 from a given number.
To do list:
- Read your school book (try to aim for at least 10 minutes per day)
- Practise your 2x tables for next weeks times table test (Wednesday). If you passed your 2x tables then practise your 5x tables. If you passed you 5x tables then practise you 10x.
- Practise 'week 5' spellings for next weeks spelling test (Friday)
- Complete your Maths homework into your yellow Maths book (due Tuesday)