Welcome to another week of maths learning!
I was very impressed with your work on coordinates from the last two weeks. Particular thanks to those of you who let me know I'd missed out the crucial information in Thursday's work-oops! Hopefully you all managed to find the corrected version, but if not, it is still on last week's page if you wanted to have another go.
This week we will be learning about decimals! This work should also help you to make links between decimals and fractions and begin to have a greater understanding of how we can write the same amount as both a fraction and a decimal (although this may not be a specific activity over the next couple of weeks, it will be great knowledge for next year.)
There are a few videos for you to watch to familiarise yourself with decimals. Please make sure you read the PowerPoint/PDF carefully, as this will give you a greater understanding for your independent activities. Remember, you only need to complete one activity sheet-please choose the one you would be given in class to make sure you show your true understanding.