Please send your completed homework to Mrs Halsey.
Thank you.
Please complete the Year 4 SPaG test and assess your work using the answer sheet.
Science- Mrs Halsey
Good morning year 4! I hope you all enjoyed some of the sunshine over the weekend! :)
Well year 4 we have made it... Our last science lesson of the year!
For todays lesson I would like you to have a think back to the topics we have covered this year:
- States of matter
- Sound
- Electricity
- Animals including humans
- Living things and their habitats
What has been your favourite topic and why? I would like you to make a poster about your favourite topic and include everything that you can remember from that topic. Please make them as bold, bright and beautiful as possible as when we return to school on Friday I would like to stick them in your science books :)
- (On that note if you could do them at home on paper instead of online that would be amazing!)
Once you have finished your poster you are more than welcome to watch a couple of Dr. Bincos episodes online ( your welcome year 4!)
Lastly, I would just like to thank you all for the wonderful time we have spent together in our science lessons, we have learnt and laughed together and I will miss spending Monday's with you all.
BUT for now I will see you all Friday! Have a great week everyone! :)
Mrs Halsey x