Hello Reception!!
This week we are looking at the different ways we can make 4 and 5. I have made a video to explain the work on Monday and Tuesday. Please let me know if the work is not very clear and I will change them.
Mr Murphy
Monday 18.01.21
Please watch the video and write the number sentences you make on a piece of paper.
Maths Monday.mp4

Tuesday 19.01.21
Please watch the video and write your number sentences out on a piece of paper.
Maths Tuesday.mp4

Wednesday 20.01.21
Today we are going to use Numicon Shapes to help use make number bonds to 5.
Please read through the presentation and complete the worksheet.
Thursday 21.01.21
We are still looking at number bonds to 5 today. Please can an adult read out the sentences that go with each set of images for the children to write out the number sentence.
Maths Thursday.mp4

Friday 22.01.21
Today we are going to practice 'subitising'. This is the ability to recognise the number of objects in a small group without having to count them. I have added a PowerPoint with some questions included but this could easily be done using a dice (one with dots instead of numbers). Roll the dice and say the number with out counting the dots. Challenge - how many can you do in 10 seconds.