Tuesday 9th June
Tuesday!!! 9th June
Morning everyone, welcome to Tuesday. Today I have a very basic but fun game for you to play around the house.
As a family choose an item more or less as big as an adults hand. Eg. tennis ball, soft toy, cell phone.
One person hides the item while the others cover their eyes.
Not in drawers or cupboards.
Only under things.
Set a timer for 2 min to find it.
Ready set go!!!RUN!!!
The person who finds it, hides it the next round!!
2. Another game you can play is called HOT POTATO
This can be played with a ball or a rolled up piece of paper or a soft toy. Sit opposite someone or in a circle if there is more than 2. Throw the item to each other, however you can only hold onto it for a very short time because it is HOT!!!
If you drop it you fall out. Continue till there is only one member left!
This is guaranteed some giggles and lots of fun!!!
Keep safe and wash your hands.
Bishop Ridley cares about everyone