Year 4
Welcome to Year 4!
Weekly plan - timetable
If you need a break from work or just fancy something a little different, don't forget to check out the Take A Break page. Mr Edwards, Mrs Lee and Mrs Charity are constantly updating the page with physical activities, mindfulness activities and boredom busters!
Bishop Ridley-impics 2020
Calling all budding Olympians, this is your chance to win the GOLD. Due to there being no sports day this year, Mr Edwards and Miss Sears have come up with different challenges for your child/children to complete over a 5 week period. The challenges will be on the “Take a break Page” from Monday 8th June to Friday 10th July. Your child has the opportunity to attempt a Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum challenge. Please can you turn your attention to the take a break page to find out all the information you need to know. Good Luck.
Good morning Queen Elizabeth II class
My name is Mrs Gorin and I will be your new class teacher. I have been a teacher for over 20 years and was a Year 5 teacher at Bishop Ridley for 6 years. Next year together with Miss Smalley we will have the pleasure to teach the Year 4 curriculum.
As you probably know I have a son at our school and a three-year-old daughter named Rose. My favourite subjects are English, history and art. I love travelling and meeting new people.
I look forward to meeting you all in person and getting to know you as individuals. We have some exciting topics to cover next year which I know you will enjoy and some fun lessons planned.
I would also like you to think about the name for our new class, I would like to suggest three options: Nicolaus Copernicus, Frederic Chopin or Marie Curie. You can do some research on these people and let me know by Wednesday which person is your favourite.
Have a wonderful last week in Year 3.
Mrs Gorin​
Good morning Diana Class
How excited am I to be working with many of you again next year! Both Mrs Gorin and I are looking forward to all the engaging things we will be doing next year and Year 4 will be a wonderful new learning journey for all of us.
I have sent you all an email to ask for your nomination for our class name by the end of Tuesday so that I can count the votes and publish our new class name later in the week. You will have four inspiration people to choose from and I would really encourage you to click on the links to find out a little bit about each of them and vote for the person that you would like to learn more about and who you think will inspire you the most.
Enjoy your introduction week in to Year 4, I am looking forward to receiving all your work throughout the week via email, and I can't wait to welcome you into our new classroom at the start of the new school year.
Many of you have already received an email from me asking you to let me have your vote for the inspirational person you would like to learn more about and for whom you would like our class to be named after. Some email addresses didn't appear to work. We will rectify this, but as we have a deadline to vote by the end of Tuesday 12 July, I have added the link with the nominations and you can email me your vote using my email address below.
Have a good week...
Miss Smalley
We have a winner!
Congratulations to Sheldrick Class for your victory today!
The top 3 scorers across the year group were:
1. Ahash (2, 196)
2. Annabelle (1, 626)
3. Jack D (1, 072)
TTRS Battle
Congratulations to Moore Class for beating Curie Class and well done to Sheldrick Class for a good effort against Armstrong Class.
The top 3 scorers across the year group were:
1. Ahash (4, 582)
2. Annabelle (1, 435)
3, Isabella (1, 338)
We have a winner!
Well done Year 4! Next week we will be taking part in London Rocks 2020 against other schools in London, so we will take on Year 5 again the week after.
The top 3 scorers across the year group were:
1, Sasin (10, 220)
2. Leon (3, 528)
3. Annabelle (2, 722)
A very impressive week!
We have a winner!
What an amazing victory Year 4! Well done to all of you who participated this week.
The top 3 scorers across the year group were:
1. Sasin (4, 254)
2. Ahash (4,198)
3. Luella (3, 959)
We have a winner!
Congratulations to Moore Class!
This week's top scorers across the year group were:
1. Adrian (3,211)
2. Ahash (2,562)
3. David (2,449)
Well done to everyone who took part. Our year group battle is now drawn at 1-1. Don't forget next Friday we will be working together to take on Year 5!
We have a winner!
Congratulations to Sheldrick Class!
The top three scorers across the year group were:
1. Harry R (4,595)
2. David (4,575)
3, Annabelle (3,694)
Well done to everyone who took part. We'll arrange another one soon!
Scuba diving videos
Eagle Ray_Trim.mp4
This week Year 4 staff will be in school on the following days:
Miss Sears-Monday (I will be using Friday to do the training that staff completed on Monday, therefore I will not be replying to emails.)
Mrs Torrance-Tuesday & Friday
Our work so far...
The children in Year 4 have been making good progress and have enjoyed the topics we have covered recently, which has been reflected in the work they have produced.
While we appreciate and understand that many of you will be working from home and facing your own challenges during this difficult time, we hope that you will be able to work alongside us to minimise the disruption to your child's learning while they are away from the classroom. With this in mind, this page will be updated daily with new maths and English tasks, topic based activities which will be changed weekly and links to useful websites. Please see below for more details on each.
Thank you for your continued support,
The Year 4 Team
Completing the work:
If you have access to Microsoft Word, pupils should write their answers in the boxes/spaces provided or edit the sheet to write their answers underneath, depending on the type of activity. If you are using an iPad/tablet, once the document is open, you should be able to write on to the 'sheet'.
Returning the work:
Work completed electronically should be saved to your computer/laptop/tablet as either a Word document or PDF and then emailed back to your child's class teacher at the address below. If you have chosen to complete any work (or done something extra) on paper, please take a photograph of it which can be emailed alongside the rest of your work. We hope to look at all pieces of work sent to us as soon as we can and will respond with comments where appropriate.
When to contact us:
You can email us whenever the work is completed, however please note that we will be replying to emails between 9am-12pm every day. During the week, we aim to send each parent/child one email per day, where we will return the work with appropriate comments and next learning steps. During the afternoons we will be preparing work for the next day, ready to be uploaded to the Year 4 page. At times, the website may be running slowly, may crash or become inaccessible. In these instances, we will email you the work and any website links directly.
Please contact your child's class teacher at the following addresses:
Sheldrick Class:
Moore Class:
Please note that for the week beginning 30th March, the Year 4 teachers will be in school on the following days and therefore will not be available to answer emails:
Miss Sears- Tuesday
Mrs Torrance- Tuesday & Thursday
Please send your child’s work to his/her class teacher with their name and the date as the subject of the e-mail.
What if my child is unwell?
If your child is unwell, we would not expect them to complete the work from the day(s) that they are feeling poorly. However, we would be grateful if you could send us a quick email to make us aware of the situation.
Spelling activities
Year 4 Speed Spell Words
ISPACE openers