Home learning
Our topic this term is Superheroes!!!
Let's put on our capes and discover our superpowers as we search for an answer to the question, 'What is a superhero?'
This half term, we'll describe our favourite superheroes, create fact files, read a range of comic books and write our own. Learning about real-life superheroes from organisations such as the NHS or The Army and from the past, including Florence Nightingale and Captain Tom Moore, will allow us to appreciate human bravery. As part of this project, we will learn about and investigate properties of materials. We'll also test our superpowers by climbing, running, jumping and moving to music. There'll hopefully be opportunities for us to create superhero works of art and design colourful posters to show how 'superkids' should behave around school
In School Learning
Nightingale Class Home School Learning
Rosen Class home learning
Capacity homework

This week Miss Carr and Mrs Kenway will be in school on these days:
Miss Carr - Monday and Thursday
Mrs Kenway - Tuesday
We will not respond to emails on these days but please continue to send them