3rd July 2020 - Celebration Worship
Welcome. It's Friday, 3rd July 2020.
Good morning, everyone. May the Lord be with you.
We are Bishop Ridley, we are One Community, Learning & Growing Together, Sharing the Love of God.
Our Bible passage for today is Ephesians 4:2
Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.
Our song for today is My Lighthouse
Celebration Worship
During this lockdown period, we recognise that each family has different pressures and different abilities to support children with their learning. The Pupils of the Week are chosen by the teachers to acknowledge our Christian Values. Sometimes they select a child to celebrate a particularly impressive piece of work, sometimes to celebrate a child who has shown determination and sometimes to give a boost to a child who might be finding things tough.
Please see this as a chance to stay together as a community and celebrate positive messages for the children during a difficult time.
Please join us in celebrating our Pupils of the Week.
The Nursery Team have chosen:
Monday Bubble - Emmeline for the value of thankfulness, she was very pleased with her tomato plant.
Thursday Bubble Luna & Thato for the value of friendship. They played together & shared well today.
Mrs Kenway has chosen Ida S.
“I choose her for the value of Humility. She is thankful for help offered to her and accepts it when needed too. She is happy to accept that she isn’t always right and listens to others opinions. She puts others before herself and is very kind. She has demonstrated this more since being back in our bubble group at school.”
This week, Mr Nicholls and Mrs Lee would like to nominate Ruby and Luke for the values of Kindness and Service. Well done for working so hard at home, and in school! We are so proud of you.
Year 1
Miss Carr has chosen Eryk for the value of hope for showing such a positive approach towards his learning during the whole of the home learning period, particularly over the last week. He has really shown a positive growth mind set when encountering work that he has found to be challenging or unfamiliar.
From Cavell class, Mrs Coles and Mr Murphy would like to nominate Dolly-Rainbow for the values of endurance and friendship. Dolly has embraced coming back into school and has persevered with tasks that she initially found challenging. She has engaged others in her bubble in games on the playground and her ability to hula-hoop has astounded us all!
Year 2
Mrs Coles says, “Please can I nominate Eddie as Anning class pupil of the week for the values of friendship and fellowship. She has just returned to school for a couple of days a week and has immediately settled back into a different sort of life at Bishop Ridley. She has organised her fellow bubble members into games out on the playground, given her learning tasks every effort and has lit up the building with her amazing smile!”
Mrs Horlock has chosen Marcus for humility and kindness. He never boasts about being able to do things well and always goes out of his way to help others who might not understand.
Year 3
Miss Smalley says, “I would like to nominate Gracie and Lottie as my pupils of the week: both young ladies have engaged well with the home learning throughout and I was particularly impressed with their alternative chapters for The Firework Maker's Daughter, in which they showed a great depth of empathy and compassion for the characters involved.”
Mrs Greenhead has struggled to be decisive this week, so has chosen three children:
George for the Christian Value, Endurance and Kindness. George has been working hard to develop his maths skills during Home Learning. He has been learning how to use addition mentally while playing cards. George said the games are so good he is going to buy a pack of playing cards for everyone in his class so that they can all learn together.
Evie M for the Christian Value, Wisdom and Endurance. Evie has worked extremely hard these past few months to ensure she is learning to the best of her ability, and by taking ownership of her learning and working against the success criteria she has successfully met all learning intentions set.
Ivy A for the Christian Value of Wisdom and Endurance. Ivy has been consistent in developing her writing skills, and by continually engaging with home learning materials, she has the confidence to overcome some of the struggles she once faced. Keep it up!
Year 4
Miss Sears says, “I would like to choose Marni-Rae and Sadie this week for the values of Endurance and Friendship. They have both worked so hard at home to keep up with their learning, which has been reflected in the standard of the work they have produced. This week in school they have both shown great friendship towards each other and me when we worked together-it was so lovely to see how they had settled back into a school routine and keeping me up to date with what they had been up to.”
Mrs Torrence has chosen Nicholas Gorin for the value of Endurance. For consistently working hard with the home learning and producing wonderful Power Points of a high standard. Very well done.
Year 5
Mrs Gorin says, “My Pupils of the Week are Lilly and Jack for wisdom and perseverance. They have shown extremely hard work, completing additional tasks and fantastic efforts. I could not be happier with their hard work and results!”
Mr Martindale says, "I would like to nominate Harley this week for Wisdom and Endurance. He has completed tasks every day and always sends in his work. I have been very impressed with the content of his work and his mature attitude to his learning."
Year 6
Mr Catchpole says, “I've chosen Lohit this week for the value of hope. Over lockdown he has completed all of his work to an incredibly high standard, and the positive attitude he has demonstrated during his transition work this week has been inspiring. I have no doubt that this excellent effort will continue at secondary school and know that he will make good choices when he starts the next part of his education in September. Well done, Lohit!”
Miss Facey says, “I'd like to nominate Manuel this week for the Christian Values of wisdom and friendship. He always tries his best and completes his school work daily. He's worked really hard this week to think about the type of friend he would like to be when he starts secondary school and how he will work hard to treat others in the way that he would like to be treated. Well done, Manuel!”
Sports and PE
A prayer for today
For your prayer today, why not listen to this version of the Lord’s Prayer and think about the meaning of the words we pray. Think about what you would like to say “thanks”, “sorry” and “please” about.
The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come, your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours
now and for ever.
The Nursery Team have chosen:
Monday Bubble - Emmeline H for the value of thankfulness, she was very pleased with her tomato plant.
Thursday Bubble Luna & Thato for the value of friendship. They played together & shared well today.
Mrs Kenway has chosen Ida S.
“I choose her for the value of Humility. She is thankful for help offered to her and accepts it when needed too. She is happy to accept that she isn’t always right and listens to others opinions. She puts others before herself and is very kind. She has demonstrated this more since being back in our bubble group at school.”
Year 1
Year 2
Mrs Coles says, “Please can I nominate Eddie as Anning class pupil of the week for the values of friendship and fellowship. She has just returned to school for a couple of days a week and has immediately settled back into a different sort of life at Bishop Ridley. She has organised her fellow bubble members into games out on the playground, given her learning tasks every effort and has lit up the building with her amazing smile!”
Mrs Horlock has chosen Marcus for humility and kindness. He never boasts about being able to do things well and always goes out of his way to help others who might not understand.
Year 3
Miss Smalley says, “I would like to nominate Gracie and Lottie as my pupils of the week: both young ladies have engaged well with the home learning throughout and I was particularly impressed with their alternative chapters for The Firework Maker's Daughter, in which they showed a great depth of empathy and compassion for the characters involved.”
Mrs Greenhead has struggled to be decisive this week, so has chosen three children:
George for the Christian Value, Endurance and Kindness. George has been working hard to develop his maths skills during Home Learning. He has been learning how to use addition mentally while playing cards. George said the games are so good he is going to buy a pack of playing cards for everyone in his class so that they can all learn together.
Evie M for the Christian Value, Wisdom and Endurance. Evie has worked extremely hard these past few months to ensure she is learning to the best of her ability, and by taking ownership of her learning and working against the success criteria she has successfully met all learning intentions set.
Ivy A for the Christian Value of Wisdom and Endurance. Ivy has been consistent in developing her writing skills, and by continually engaging with home learning materials, she has the confidence to overcome some of the struggles she once faced. Keep it up!
Year 4
Miss Sears says, “I would like to choose Marni-Rae and Sadie this week for the values of Endurance and Friendship. They have both worked so hard at home to keep up with their learning, which has been reflected in the standard of the work they have produced. This week in school they have both shown great friendship towards each other and me when we worked together-it was so lovely to see how they had settled back into a school routine and keeping me up to date with what they had been up to.”
Year 5
Mrs Gorin says, “My Pupils of the Week are Lilly and Jack for extremely hard work, completing additional tasks and fantastic efforts. I could not be happier with their hard work and results!”
Year 6
Mr Catchpole says, “I've chosen Lohit this week for the value of hope. Over lockdown he has completed all of his work to an incredibly high standard, and the positive attitude he has demonstrated during his transition work this week has been inspiring. I have no doubt that this excellent effort will continue at secondary school and know that he will make good choices when he starts the next part of his education in September. Well done, Lohit!”
Miss Facey says, “I'd like to nominate Manuel this week for the Christian Values of wisdom and friendship. He always tries his best and completes his school work daily. He's worked really hard this week to think about the type of friend he would like to be when he starts secondary school and how he will work hard to treat others in the way that he would like to be treated. Well done, Manuel!”
Sports and PE
A prayer for today
For your prayer today, why not listen to this version of the Lord’s Prayer and think about the meaning of the words we pray. Think about what you would like to say “thanks”, “sorry” and “please” about.
The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come, your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours
now and for ever.