Your task for today = We would like you to look at your Spellings for this week. (A copy is below).
Your Spelling test should be on Friday 15th January 2021. Perhaps you can ask an adult to test you on Friday and send your result to us in your Friday email.
1. Read each spelling.
2. Find the meaning of each of the spellings in a Dictionary or on Google. (Check with your adult first).
3. Read the meaning of the word until you fully understand what it means - did you read it as a noun? Verb? Adjective?
4. Once you have fully understood the meaning of the word, we would like you to write the spelling in a full sentence. For example;
I felt so disappointed when my teacher told me the word I spelt was incorrect. I spent three long, cold, rainy nights sitting in bed, under my covers with only a flash light, learning how to spell those monstrous words.
Simple sentences are not enough - you are a Junior remember! You have such fantastic writing skills; We can't wait to read your work. REMEMBER, keep your handwriting neat and letters clearly formed.
Prefix: in- (can mean ‘not’ and ‘in/into’) Sometimes, you simply add the in- to the root word.
Inactive inefficient
Incorrect inadequate
Incapable inexpensive
Inability inattention
Inappropriate inaction
Please learn these spellings for a test on Friday 15th January.
Good Luck
You are going to plan a fantastic art project! I would like you to look at the PowerPoint below and look at all of the different information and pictures.
We will be creating different art over the next few weeks. We will be trying to paint cave paintings, make prehistory pots, and weapons (salt dough and sticks).
This story was set in Lascaux, France, where cave paintings were found, and thought to have been created around 14,000 years ago.
Enjoy a relaxing story.