Thursday 04.02.21
Good morning everyone,
Goodall Class, please remember to email your work to Mrs Lee ( today, as I am in school. I can't wait to see your 'Dress to Express' pictures. Have a great day.
Take care, be safe.
With love,
Mrs Horlock x
Today is 'Dress to Express' Day at Bishop Ridley!
Dress in a way that you feel best expresses yourself - we will be doing the same. Ask your grown-up to take a photo of you and email it to so it can be published on our year 2 page on the website - can't wait to see you all x
Maths 04.02.21
English 04.02.21
English 04.02.21
If you would like to take some time today to take care of your mental wellbeing, the activity for today is to think about the ways you might express your personality and individuality. Use the prompt sheet to help you x