Friday 1st May - English
Good Morning everyone! Well done for all of your fantastic work this week! We have been so impressed with how hard you have been working and all of the amazing work you have been producing. Well done - we've made it to Friday!
Today we are going to finish off our work on commas. You have all done really well with commas and subordinate clauses this week. The activity today looks at using commas for subordinate clauses and also using commas with fronted adverbials. Don't panic - it's not as scary as it sounds! We've found some excellent videos to help explain and entertain you all!
There is only one sheet for everyone today. You can all stretch yourselves by developing your sentences and making them as interesting and detailed as you like. Make sure your focus is on the use of the comma and as always, re-read and check that your sentences make sense! Enjoy and hope you have a lovely weekend!
Diana class - remember to email Mrs Mason today.