1st May 2020 - Celebration Worship
Welcome. It's Friday, 1st May 2020.
Good morning, everyone. May the Lord be with you. We are Bishop Ridley. We are One Community, Learning & Growing Together, Sharing the Love of God.
Our song for today
Be Bold Be Strong https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQeCJ9EgLXQ
Our Bible passage for today is from Ephesians 4:32
Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other
Celebration Worship
During this lock down period, we recognise that each family has different pressures and different abilities to support children with their learning. The Pupils of the Week are chosen by the teachers who understand from their daily emails how things are going for each child.
Sometimes they select a child to celebrate a particularly impressive piece of work, sometimes to celebrate a child who has shown determination and sometimes to give a boost to a child who might be finding things tough.
Please join us in celebrating our Pupils of the Week
Mrs Scotter has chosen Tilly M. She has worked very hard and has also produced some beautiful art work during home learning. She always tries her best and keeps trying when she finds something difficult.
Mr Nicholls says, “I would like to choose Jasper this week. Like all the families in our year group, Jasper and his family are working especially hard to learn at home. We are so proud of how creative and organised you are. Keep up the good work!”
Mrs Kenway has chosen Henry G. This is for endurance when presented with a challenge in his home learning and for his willingness to complete tasks steadily each week.
Year 1
Miss Carr has selected Olivia for Pupil of the Week for the value of creation. This week she has created a wonderful waterproof rain jacket for Science, her own Florence Nightingale style lamp for the Topic challenge and a beautiful sketch of part of God’s creation for RE. Well done, Olivia!
Mr Murphy says: It’s always hard picking pupil of the week and it’s even harder with us all being at home. All of you have worked so hard and reading your work makes the week a lot easier. In the end I have decided to pick Mason for pupil of the week. The effort that went into his Edith Cavell role-play was huge. There was set changes, costume changes, props and help form siblings. Well done Mason. But to everyone in Cavell class please keep sending in your photos, you’re helping Mr Murphy stay sane.
Year 2
Mrs Coles has chosen Henry Clery for showing the value of Endurance and for showing a Growth Mindset: he has learnt to ride his bike without the help of stabilisers. Well done, Henry!
Mrs Horlock has chosen Ayla. She has been showing lots of our Christian values including compassion, wisdom and service as well as working hard on her school work. Well done, Ayla!
Year 3
Miss Smalley has chosen Zara B, as she is working extremely hard and making great progress.
Year 4
Miss Sears has chosen Harry this week for the values of friendship and wisdom. She says, “His daily emails to me always ask how I am and let me know how he has been keeping in touch with his friends. Harry also responds to all questions I ask in the feedback to his work and makes sure to correct any errors once we have discussed why they might not be quite right.”
Year 5
Mrs Gorin has selected Sophie L and Sophie A for excellent effort, hard work, consistency and always doing more than expected.
Mr Martindale has also selected two children this week: Rebekah and Grace. He notes that their emails and work have been lovely and that they've also included lots of extras like photos e.g. of them baking cakes.
Year 6
Mr Catchpole has chosen Joshua this week for completing work to a really high standard every day without fail. He thinks that Joshua might need to teach him some computing skills when we come back because his work is always beautifully presented!
Miss Facey has chosen Kieran for endurance and wisdom. He always takes pride in his work and thinks carefully about how to complete tasks to the best of his ability. He also never gives up and perseveres with the challenges that we’ve been setting.
Sports and PE
Mr Edwards is giving the sports person award to Jess Goodwin for her excellent attempt of the loo roll challenge and her fantastic video skills with editing the video and adding music to it.
A prayer for today
Dear God,
We thank you for your creation and the new life we see at spring time.
We ask for your help to show kindness and love to those around us.
We pray that you will guide our country’s leaders to make the right choices at this difficult time.
In Jesus’ name