Tuesday 19th
Good Morning Year 3! Hope you are all well and ready for another day, Remember, it is planning time for your teachers this afternoon, so they will respond to any messages on Wednesday, when they are able to.
***Important Information for Diana Class - Please e-mail any work for the rest of the week to Mrs Ellis to review and respond to***

Today we are going to have a grammar focus to our lesson - learning 'What is an Adverb?' Please watch the teaching video below and do the attached quiz by clicking on the link. There are three different worksheets to choose from after that - Developing, Expected and Greater Depth. Please choose one that you are comfortable with, but also gives you a challenge too. If you would like to complete more than one then fantastic! It is a good opportunity to practice your handwriting skills by writing down your answers on some paper. Good luck!
Bonne apres-midi year 3! I hope you have all had a lovely weekend and a great start to the week!
This week we are going to continue working on our French topic 'Les animaux.' Lots of you emailed me over your animal sentences last week and they were fantastic! Well done year 3 :)
I have attached the same video as the previous couple of weeks at the bottom to help you with this topic,
This week I would like you to pick five DIFFERENT animals of your choice (preferably from the video again) and make these into sentences. I would also like you to include any words that you may remember such as colours, numbers or greetings from our previous French topic ' J'apprends Le Francais.' Additionally I would like you to add into your new sentences your animals from last week.
So for example, if I was going to write a new sentence including my animal from last week I could write:
My Chien is called Bonzo. He has marron and blanc fur and is trois years old. He likes to watch the noire chatte from next doors garden out of the window :)
It is your choice if you would like to add your new sentences onto your sentences from last week or write completely new ones including your 5 animals from last week and your 5 new animals from this week.
Once again, It is completely up to you if you would like to email me your sentences, write them on paper and email them to me or just let me know you have completed your work and bring it to me when we eventually return to school. Please could you just email me either way so that I know you have done it :)
Once again if you have any questions or are unsure of anything please feel free to email me
- hconstant@bishop-ridley.bexley.sch.uk
I will be working from home Monday and Tuesday so I will respond as soon as possible :)
Have a great week! Miss Constant x
PE with Mr E
Hello Year 3, I hope you are all doing well and staying safe.
Please see some fun math worksheets that are associated with football (three sheets for different ability).
Could you please make a poster that shows the rules of football (might have to write soccer into google). You can complete the poster on a PowerPoint or a sheet of paper.
There is also a fun and and exciting scavenger hunt to take part in to get your pulses racing. Make sure you get someone else to hide the objects from the document or use the document yourself to find the objects. Maybe you can time yourself scavenging and try to beat your time each time you try to find the objects.
Good luck and have fun,
Mr E