Wednesday 20th
Wednesday 20th January 2021
We have now come to the end of our topic on Multiplication and Division.
Therefore it is assessment time.
The assessment is below, there are 10 questions. Don't worry if you are unable to print it out, just write your answers on a piece of paper. Please remember to clearly write each question number when you give your answers.
There is a PowerPoint to go over some revision questions and answers before you complete the task. You may want do some of your own revision of all the learning. You can still see each of the previous Maths lessons on the website.
You will need to work completely independently when doing the actual assessment.
Good luck!
Today we are going to be looking at the rights and responsibilities of everyone, children and adults.
There is an activity sheet, and a question worksheet for you to complete. I have also included a word search for you to do if you want to as an extra.
Have fun!