Just a reminder that Miss Facey and Mr Catchpole are both in school today.
If you have any questions, e-mail Mrs Gooden at
Mrs Lee and Mr Edwards have kindly agreed to look over your work today so that you get some feedback before the weekend.
Pankhurst Class, please e-mail your work to Mrs Lee today at
Hawking Class, please e-mail your work to Mr Edwards at
Zoom Meetings
We are so excited for our catch ups via Zoom this afternoon! Please note that Hawking Class will now start their Zoom call at 1:15pm. Pankhurst will then follow at 2:00pm.
All of the details you require have you been sent to you via e-mail. If you have not received an e-mail, let us know as soon as possible.
Competition Winners!
We were blown away by the number of story entries that we received and we thoroughly enjoyed reading each and every one of them! It took us a VERY long time to decide on our winners but eventually we managed to come to a final decision.
Congratulations to Sophie A and Ines!
Miss Facey will be in touch with you later today to find out which books you have chosen! Well done!
Pupils of the Week
Pankhurst- This week I am nominating Odelia as my Pupil of the Week for the value of Endurance. Odelia has started this term off brilliantly and has worked hard every day this week to submit work that is detailed and completed to a high standard. Well done, Odelia and keep up the great effort!
Have a lovely weekend everybody!
Just one more week until we are all back together :D
Miss Facey
Hawking - I have chosen Harley as my Pupil of the Week, for the values of Endurance and Service. I have been incredibly impressed with how hard Harley has been working during lockdown - he completes all work to a good standard and it is clear how much time he spends on his remote learning each day. Well done, Harley and keep up the amazing effort!
Looking forward to seeing most of you on our Zoom call this afternoon!
Mr Catchpole
Good news! Your new spellings for this term can now be found here.
Please ensure that you learn the Week 1 spellings for your group before our test next Wednesday.
Thank you and have a lovely weekend!