Year 5
Welcome to Year 5!
Dear Year 5,
Thank you for your enthusiasm towards the tasks we have set this week. They have allowed us to get to know you. We hope you are looking forward to Year 5.
Just a quick reminder. If any child in Year 5 is allowed to walk home by themselves, written permission must be given into the school either via the office or to the class teacher. Thank you.
To find out our new topic, open the PDF below.
We hope you have a really good summer break and we look forward to seeing you all in September.
Stay safe,
Mr Martindale and Miss Sears
Moore Class - Mr Martindale:
Sheldrick Class - Miss Sears: dsears@bishop-ridley.bexley.sch,uk
Armstrong Class
Year 5 Curie Class
Dear Curie Class
I will miss...
your stories, your jokes, your hugs and smiles, your laughter, your kindness, your out-of-the-box thinking, your willingness to try, your thoughtful decisions, your desire to be the best you can be, your curious mind, your classroom family...
Thank you for being amazing, thank you for being a class of children that any teacher wishes for, thank you for this wonderful year together even though it was interrupted. I will miss you!
Stay safe, enjoy your holidays -I cannot wait to see you in school in September.
Mrs Gorin
Thank you Isla;-)
Our wonderful TV reporter - take a look!
Thank you for your beautiful prayers;-)
Have a look at our amazing Tudor portraits.
The Tower of London
Take a look at these wonderful fantasy stories! Well done Curie class;-)
Armstrong Class
Armstrong Class 3D Islands. Have a look at these amazing 3D islands.
Curie Class - We miss 5G
Thank you very much for creating this wonderful video. When I saw your happy faces, it filled me with joy;-)
You are amazing! I miss you very much.
Stay safe and see you soon.
Mrs Gorin
Armstrong Class have produced some amazing writing all about Guster the Dragon. Have a look at some of our work.
Take a look at Curie class's excellent work;-)
Look at our beautiful dragons!!!
Armstrong Class - Amazing Topic Work
Albie's beautiful bee
Easter bonnets - well done;-)
Another amazing mini beasts - thank you.
Rev Mark's Collective Worship and with the final project - how wonderful;-)
Someone is getting ready for the Easter break;-)
Easter crispy cakes, they look so yummy!!! It looks like someone is ready for Easter;-)
Someone's been busy making Easter eggs;-) Well done!
Well done for creating your wonderful storyboards! Great job!
The Easter Story
Eggs decorated for Easter;-) Well done girls;-)
Lilly's projects - well done;-)
Frankie's own project - a bird house for his garden;-)
What a wonderful Easter mask! Well done Leo;-)
Giant African Snails - Thank you Ignas for sending these photos!
Whilst Bishop Ridley is closed, this page will be used as a way of communicating with the Year 5 pupils. We aim to update it daily (Monday to Friday) and the children will need to get into the habit of checking it to see which tasks they need to be completing.
The page will be set out as follows:
1. Daily Tasks
This section will encompass daily maths and English activities.
At the start of each maths session, children should spend 10 - 15 minutes on Times Tables Rockstars. Then pupils should spend some time on the Guided Learning as this will give them information about the task and how to complete it. Guided learning might be a PowerPoint or a link to a video. Once they are confident, they should attempt the question/activity sheet. There will usually be 2 sheets per 'lesson'.
Sheet 1 is aimed at those children who lack confidence following the Guided Learning.
Sheet 2 is designed to be slightly more challenging.
Please be aware that for some activities, there may be an extra challenge task, designed to extend some of the more-able mathematicians.
For English, pupils will be given a range of reading, writing and grammar tasks to complete each day. Where possible, modelled examples will be given to show the children what is expected of them.
How long will this work take?
We anticipate that maths and English work should take the children about 30 minutes each per day (1 hour altogether).
How should my child complete this work?
For pupils who have access to Microsoft Word (or similar), pupils may be able to edit the sheets and write their answers underneath the questions. If using an iPad, Word documents can be opened in Pages and children will be able to write the answers onto the sheet. If possible, this should be saved as a Word or PDF document and e-mailed back to us (see below).
How will we return the work?
If your child has completed the work electronically, this can simply be saved on your own computer/ laptop and e-mailed back to us at the addresses below. If your child has completed their work by hand on paper, please take a photograph of it. This can also be e-mailed to us. We will endeavour to look through all pieces of work sent to us and will reply with a comment where appropriate.
When should we e-mail?
You can e-mail us at any time that is convenient to you. We will be replying to e-mails between 9am and 12pm every day. We aim to send each parent/child one email each day (Monday to Friday) where we will return work and any comments on success and next learning steps. We will be preparing work and uploading this to the website every afternoon. If the website is slow or goes down for any reason, we will then send you work and links via email.
You can contact us at the email addresses below:
Armstrong Class:
Curie Class:
Please send your child’s work to his/her class teacher with their name and date as the subject of the e-mail.
What if my child becomes unwell?
Please be advised that if your child is unwell, they do not need to complete the work, though we would be grateful if you could make us aware if this is the case.
2. Topic Tasks
Alongside the daily tasks, we will also set a task related to our topic. This will cover many areas of the curriculum and the pupils will have longer to complete this project. Any work completed should be e-mailed (either via word document, PowerPoint or photographs) to your child’s class teacher by the allotted date.
3. Resources
Here we will provide advice for parents who are home-schooling, as well as any useful website links and school resources that we think will benefit the children.
English work
Friday, 27th March 2020
Good morning everyone!
I hope you are all well. Again thank you all for your homework completed so far, I cannot believe how hard you have been working.
As it is Friday you deserve some fun. I have prepared three different spelling sheets, please choose one of these then click on our SPELLING MENU icon and have a close look at 35 different activities.
Choose between 10 to 20 of these and complete them on a piece of paper. When your work is done ask your adult to take a photo of it and send it to me. Remember that apart from having fun, you are getting ready for your favourite Speed Spell;-)
Have a lovely day and enjoy your weekend!
English work
Thursday 26th March 2020
Good morning everyone!
This morning we will be doing some SPAG work on using adverbs. Please have a look at the two PowerPoints to help you and then choose the activity challenge level you would normally do in class. If unsure, pick one that you find best suits you! Enjoy!
Armstrong class - please email Mrs Mason today with your Maths and English work. I look forward to hearing from you!
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------English work
Wednesday 25th March 2020
Good morning everyone!
Again, well done for completing your English work! Mr Martindale and I were very impressed with your brilliant answers! Remember, it is very important to do some English and Maths work every day, so a very big thank you to those of you who complete their work each day!
Today, I have prepared a very interesting reading text about LEGO!!! Who doesn’t like building, creating, having fun with Lego? Let’s find out something more about it then.
Remember to find the answers in your reading text. Guessing might be fun but it doesn’t always give you the successful answer.
Parents please note that I am preparing home study tasks from my own home and have limited IT facilities. Today's work is taken from a PDF file and I have prepared a Word document for the answers. Thank you for your understanding.
Have fun and again, please choose one option out of three. If you think the first set of questions is too short or you need an extension task, move on to the next sheet and the other way round. If something is too long/complicated, have a go at a previous worksheet. I hope it all makes sense.
Good luck and have fun;-)
English Work
Tuesday, 24th March 2020
Good morning everyone!
First of all, thank you to those of you who completed their home study on time. Excellent effort!
Now it is time for day 2. Today, you will do some reading related with Easter. There are three different options of difficultly. Please feel free to choose any sheet you are comfortable with. Remember though, it is very good to challenge ourselves;-)
Parents please note that I am preparing home study tasks from my own home and have limited IT facilities. Today's work is taken from a PDF file and I have prepared a Word document for the answers. Thank you for your understanding.
If you have any questions please ask, I will be here everyday, happy to help just email me.
Stay safe!
In topic/English we wrote a historical story and we tried to make it as realistic as we could.
We have also drawn the feudal system, the most important at the top and least important at the bottom!
We wrote and drew a non-chronological report based on the black Death or Pestilence; they were illustrated and written on to make them look amazing.
We read a text called Flagellation and recorded relevant information to make a poster all about Flagellation.
In RE we designed posters about the true meaning of Christmas and we had to include a slogan with lots of decorations.
In art we drew knights in their full armour we had to use line, tone and shading to make it have a 3D effect.
Also in art we created illuminated letters firstly we copied a b then we used our own design and letter.
By SH and SD
Armstrong class
Peasants princes and pestilence
In English/topic we have wrote our own spells/cures for the plague (black death) we have tried to make them rhyme we would like to share some with you:
Bubble, bubble soil into trouble,
Fire burn and cauldron double.
Fillet of a venom snake,
Watch the mixture boil and bake.
Eye of frog and toe of cat,
Nail of dog and wing of bat.
Snails shell and slugs slime,
Lions tongue and fishes’ eyes.
To work a charm of fixing trouble,
Just repeat boil and bubble.
Bubble, bubble soil into trouble.
Fire burn and cauldron double!
Double double snakes tail,
Fire burn and cauldron bubble
Fillet of a hairy fenny snake
In the cauldron stir and bake
Eye of spider and toe of frog
Teeth of hen and tongue of dog
Frogs legs and blind worms sting
Rats leg and bats wing
For a charm of powerful trouble
Drink this down and have no trouble
Double double toil and trouble
Fire burn and cauldron bubble
We have wrote our spells on screwed up paper and have used tea bags to have an old affect.
In science, we have looked at the life cycle of a flea and rat, we have drawn, illustrated and wrote the life cycle.
Flea: baby, larva, pupa adult
Rat: baby, adult, love, cubs
Peasants, Princes and Pestilence is our new topic this half term, we are learning about the Plague and Black Death. Also how it’s caused and the process of the illness. Doctors were different in those days and didn’t have as much experience but just didn’t want to admit they didn’t know.
In Music we learnt the ukulele and how to play singing in the rain and hallelujah. Can you guess where the ukulele comes from? (Hint: it is a small island in a big country its closest ocean is the Pacific Ocean)
We have learnt Will Smith Prince of Bel Air and Living On a Prayer by Bon Jovi.
In R.E we have designed our own stained glass windows using pens and pencils to put in loads of detail
In topic we have written our own newspaper articles we would like to share one with you:
1ST men on moon!
The first men on Moon were Neil Armstrong Edwin Buzz Aldrin 6 days ago 24th July 1969 Buzz Aldrin Neil Armstrong and Michael Collins landed in the Pacific ocean with a spash
from seb
In science we have been learning about forces pulling and pushing
We have designed and are going to make moonbases so astronauts can have somewhere to stay when they go to the moon
From Sophie and Seb
We have also visited Greenwich conservatory museum where we visited the planetarium.
It was a really good day.
In science we created diagrams using black card and templates. The diagrams were of the sun, moon and Earth we showed how the Earth orbits the sun, we used stars as well for decorations.
Also in science we were looking at forces.
In English we have drafted our own myths or legends based on created legends or myths about the moon.
We have also read the myth Icarus and Daedlus and sorted myths and legends to guess what they were.
From Sebastian and Sophie 5m armstrong
Our topic this half term is STARGAZERS
We have created our own planets and have wrote descriptions on them
Here is one we would like to share…
Orlantia is an inhabitable planet. It is too cold! there are volcanoes that explode cold lava. It has many moons at least 68. It takes 380 days to orbit the sun. Orlantia has rings made of ice!
The longest you could be on Orlantia is 4 hours otherwise you would freeze! This planet is the coldest planet ever. It’s very rocky and delicate so don’t be to heavy or it will collapse.
Did you know Orlantia is 2 ½ billion miles away from the sun? its very interesting. Only fun when volcanoes aren’t exploding.
In art we have painted the solar system using watercolours we have also used sugar to create different textures of the different planets.
We could choose which coloured background of our solarsytem was.
Usually blue purple or black
In English we have watched myths and legends and now we have started to write our own.
In science we have made our own line graphs ant it shows how much light and dark in 24h.
By Seb and Sophie 5M Armstrong class
Our topic this term is Stargazers. We are learning about space, our solar system and the work of important scientists such as Sir Isaac Newton and Galileo Galilei.