New Year 3 20/21
Welcome all of Year 2 to Year 3
Good morning to our new Year 3 children,
We hope you are looking forward to being in Year 3 and starting a new year as a Junior, wow! We have some amazing topics to explore, which are exciting and engaging; our first topic is, Heroes and Villains!
This week's tasks are a little different to your tasks in Year 2. We would like to know a bit about you and your family, your interests and ambitions in life are and what inspirations you have. We want to know what you give thanks for and how wonderfully you can write a prayer. We want to see your creative skills and original ideas.
Each day, you will be asked to work through a particular task that will help us get to know you and some of your personality through specific creations.
We would like you to save your work and send it over via email to your new class teacher. We have included our email addresses below. If you have any questions or concerns relating to your start in Year 3, please do not hesitate to let us know so we are able to sooth any worries and anxiousness.
We look forward to seeing what you send us.
Your new teachers, Mrs Greenhead and Mrs Torrance.
Please send your work to your new class teacher. Here are the email addresses below:
Mrs Torrance
Mrs Greenhead
Enjoy and stay safe!