Hudgell Class
This week I have chosen the following children for our Christian value of endurance: Naisha for working extremely hard during her home learning and producing work that she can be proud of; Amelia, Gee, Finley & Ben for their consistent and unfailing effort to tackle all the learning tasks set each day and to send them in. There are more of you that are also doing this and I look forward to recognising you for your consistent hard work over the coming weeks. Thank you and keep it up! Miss Smalley 
Curie Class
I have been very impressed with all of the hard work I have seen over the week. Well done Curie Class!
This week I have chosen Lewis, Rebecca, Ki'marni and Max G for the Christian values of Endurance and Wisdom for their wonderful attitude towards learning.
They have tried exceptionally hard in all lessons and produced some fantastic work this week.
Keep up the amazing work children! 

MATHS: What is area?
We are starting a new topic in maths today: Measure. We will spend the next few lessons learning about the area of shapes. We are adding a fabulous website link that will enable you to use 2D shapes on the screen to help you with the first question on today's worksheet. REMEMBER, look at the video as often as you need to so that you understand what you need to do for each question. If you find that you are stuck and you are working independently only answer the questions you feel confident with (if you are very stuck with any of the maths work covered during home learning, please let your teacher know by email and they will arrange for extra support). ALSO, only do the challenge question if you are very confident with the learning objective. Good luck!
Today you will concentrate on creating a sequence of movements to represent food travelling to the stomach. Choose appropriate movements to represent the movement of food to the stomach; think carefully about how to link these movements to previous weeks’ learning. While food is in the stomach, enzymes work on breaking down the good nutrients our body can keep. What 3 movements could you add to represent food being broken down and bad bacteria being killed? Watch the video, concentrating particularly on what REALLY happens in Chris's stomach and record your new movements. Have fun but, as always, be mindful of the amount of space you have to move in and make sure that you are being safe and sensible.