I hope you enjoyed yesterday's lesson. I took great pleasure in reading some of your poems from the work that was sent to me yesterday. I noticed a lot of you followed the instructions well from the power point. Now, like yesterday, you are going to be adding another verse to the poem, The River. You have studies this poem many times now and the patterns within it so hopefully you feel confident enough to write your own verse.
After you have completed today's written task, I would like you to listen to the next chapter of the Wind and the Willows. I have added Chapter 9 below. However, Shepherd Class will need to listen to Chapter 5 (found on Friday 13th November page) and Diana Class will need to listen to Chapter 6 (found on Monday 16th November page). Next week, we are learning to write instructions and then after that you will be creating newspaper articles and debating whether the actions in the story is justified or not. It is important that you have read the story by then or else you will be unable to take part in the debate.
Here is a copy of the poem The River that you will be using for today's lesson. Follow the pattern of the poem and see if you can recreate another verse that is just as good as the original. Tomorrow you will be writing another few verses, and then seeing if you need to edit it for improvement before Big Write on Friday.
I have adding Poetry Toolbox again to support your writing today.
A Waterfall of Verbs
Rising and leaping,
Sinking and creeping,
Swelling and sweeping,
Showering and springing,
Flying and flinging,
Writhing and ringing,
Eddying and whisking,
Spouting and frisking,
Turning and twisting,
Around and around
With endless rebound!
Smiting and fighting,
A sight to delight in;
Confounding, astounding,
Dizzying and deafening the ear with its sound.
WALT know about bullying online and that it is wrong.
I can tell you what online bullying is. I can explain what to do and whom to tell if I see or experience bullying or hurtful behaviour.
The Big Questions: Write these Qs down because you will be asked to answer these questions at the end of the lesson (just as you do in RE). What is cyberbullying? What are the effects of cyberbullying? How can we get help if cyberbullying happens to us or someone we know? |
Why call it Cyberbullying? Is it the same as Online bullying? The quick answer is Yes. However, in the late 1940s, cybernetics arose as the study of control systems and communications between people and machines.
I would like you to read the information about what Cyberbullying is (Online bullying) and what to do if you think it is happening to you or someone else you know.
You have 2 tasks to complete:
1. You will be given a collection of scenarios to chose from. Discuss with an adult or siblings at home Can you come up with a solution to the problem?
2. To create a Poster 'Say No to Cyberbullying'.
Below are a collection of scenarios. I would like you to chose one, and then read it out loud to an adult or sibling at home with you. Discuss what is happening? How do you think the person feels about being the situation? Can you think of a solution to help the person with this problem?
What have you learned today that will help you to keep safe from bullying?
Do you think you would know what to do and who to talk to if you, or someone you know is being bullied in any way?
The Big Questions:
I hope you have enjoyed your PSHE lesson today and learned a lot about cyberbullying.
I would like you to go back and answer the original questions that your wrote down at the very beginning of the lesson.