22nd June 2020 - Celebration Worship
Welcome. It's Monday, 22nd June 2020.
Good morning, everyone. May the Lord be with you.
We are Bishop Ridley, we are One Community, Learning & Growing Together, Sharing the Love of God.
Our song for today is My Lighthouse
Our Bible verse for today is Micah 6 v 8
“…the Lord has told us what is good.
What he requires of us is this:
• to do what is just,
• to show constant love, and
• to live in humble fellowship with our God.”
Celebration Worship
During this lockdown period, we recognise that each family has different pressures and different abilities to support children with their learning. The Pupils of the Week are chosen by the teachers to acknowledge our Christian Values.
Sometimes they select a child to celebrate a particularly impressive piece of work, sometimes to celebrate a child who has shown determination and sometimes to give a boost to a child who might be finding things tough.
Please see this as a chance to stay together as a community and celebrate positive messages for the children during a difficult time.
Please join us in celebrating our Pupils of the Week.
This week, Mrs Mason–Rogers has selected two children, Henry for kindness & friendship, he has helped Ellis and Albert feel confident to come back to school. Secondly, Daniel for showing thankfulness.
Mrs Kenway says, “I’d like to choose Emilia N from Hargreaves Class this week please. It’s been a challenge for her family with home learning and both parents having to work from home but Emilia has still tried to do as many of the tasks as possible and made sure that she has sent them to me either by email or physically to school.”
Mr Nicholls says, “This week, I would like to choose Michael and Ruby for the values of Wisdom and Service. Thank you for all of your efforts with your learning. We are really impressed with your imagination and determination to succeed.”
Year 1
Miss Carr has chosen Olivia for Pupil of the Week for this week’s value of courage. She exhibited an incredibly brave and positive attitude towards returning to school this week, even though she was unsure of what to expect. She really took on board the verse we were looking at in class during Monday’s collective worship regarding being strong and courageous when being faced with uncertain situations and having faith.
Mr Murphy say, “This week I would like to choose Hadley for pupil of the week. He has shown great determination in learning how to play the piano and watching a video of him play really cheered me up!” Well done, Hadley!
Year 2
Mrs Coles says, “I would like to nominate Ellis- Mae for Pupil of the Week for the value of endurance. She has broken her leg near the knee so is in a cast from her thigh to her toes! Despite this, she has still kept up with her school work, is still showing the same focus and positive attitude she does in class, and is emailing me regularly. Well done!”
Mrs Horlock has chosen Lilly for showing Wisdom because she continues to try with her home learning even when she is finding it tough.
Year 3
Mrs Greenhead has chosen Nancy C. Nancy has a creative flare which shines brightly from her fantastic creations in Art. Nancy has produced a drawing of Medusa while learning about the topic, 'Gods and Myths'. It is well drawn with detail that shows the personality of Medusa from just looking into her eyes. Great work, Nancy!
Miss Smalley says, “I would like to nominate Louis G for Elizabeth Class. I would like to thank all the children in Elizabeth class for their continued hard work and engagement with the Year 3 topics throughout lock down. In particular, this week, I would like to nominate Louis who has been working incredibly hard, taking on extra home learning as well as completing the Year 3 work on our website. He is a talented artist and I was extremely impressed with his watercolour paintings of Zeus and his painting of a volcano (Zeus is on our Year 3 website gallery page) which show a maturity and skill beyond his years.”
Year 4
Miss Sears says, “It has been a hard choice this week, as the whole class has continued to work well and interact in different ways with their learning, but I would like to choose Leon for the value of Endurance. He has engaged with his learning consistently, creating some lovely pieces of work, but has often tried to challenge himself to attempt some of the more difficult questions or activities we have set. Well done!”
Mrs Torrance has chosen Om for the Christian value of endurance. Om has been consistently completing all of the Maths work and sheets, to a high standard, throughout the home learning period. Very well done.
Year 5
Mr Martindale says, “Alex is my Pupil of the Week - I have seen him in school this week and was once again impressed at his politeness, kindness towards others and his sensible and mature behaviour.”
Mrs Gorin has chosen Arthur for the Christian value of perseverance - for working hard on his Maths and English every day. Arthur has been constant and firm in achieving his goals even if he finds something difficult. I am very impressed with his determination and effort. Well done!
Year 6
Miss Facey has selected Caleb this week for the values of hope and thankfulness. He has managed to maintain a mature and positive attitude during Lockdown and has applied himself to every task that we have set. He has also supported his sister to produce a lovely banner to give thanks to their church and celebrate its 90th Birthday. I'm very proud of him for the effort and dedication that he has shown and hope that he is too!
Mr Catchpole says, “I’m nominating Max this week. Since lockdown began, Max has impressed me with his endurance, completing work every day to a good standard and showing that he has been able to learn from any mistakes he has made in his work. I’m very proud of his positive attitude. Keep it up, Max!”
Sports and PE
Mr Edwards has chosen a number of people this week:
• Alex from Nightingale class for completing the platinum challenge on Mr E's circuit as well as completing the silver challenge on performing a yoga session from Cosmic Kids Yoga.
• Ella and Alice from Anning class for completing the silver challenge of Mr E's circuit.
• Grace from Armstrong class for completing the platinum challenges of how many kangaroo jumps in 1 minute, mountain climbers in 1 minutes and push ups in 30 seconds.
I am over the moon that the children are keeping active as helps with their mental well being and by doing a small amount of physical exercise will allow them to be more focused completing their school work.
A prayer for today
Dear God,
We thank you for your creation and the flourishing of new life we see all around us – from insects, to plants and animals.
We ask for your help to show kindness and love to those around us.
We pray that you will guide us to make the right choices.
In Jesus’ name
The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come, your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours
now and for ever.