Monday 8th February
Nightingale Class
Please note, Miss Carr will be teaching in school today and therefore will not be available to respond to emails/provide feedback for work. Please send your children’s work over to Mr Edwards at, who will be providing feedback for it. Thank you.
Daily flipchart
Phonics activity
Hello Year 1, happy Monday
This week I would like you all to take part in the BISHOP RIDLEY I’M A PUPIL GET ME OUT OF HERE FITNESS CHALLENGE.
This is a competition between the Key stages (e.g. KS1 will be Year 1 v Year 2, Lower KS2 will be Year 3 v Year 4 and Upper KS2 will be Year 5 v Year 6) and the winning year group will get to choose what PE lesson we do on the first week back, when we are allowed to come back fully.
I have uploaded the competition today instead of your normal PE day as the aim is to get a many stars as possible by completing the fitness exercises on the PowerPoint below. Therefore, in theory you could try to beat your previous score throughout the entire week.
Please record all of the stars you have accumulated via the record sheet below and please email them back to me with your child's name and their class at
Have fun and good luck.