Just a quick note to remind you that Tuesday afternoon is Year 3 planning time, therefore emails sent in yesterday will not be looked at until today.
Mrs Torrance was in school Tuesday and unable to answer individual emails.
Good morning, please accept my apologises for now created a voice over teaching video. I seem to having some ICT problems but I will try again for tomorrow. Here is the English task for today's lesson. You will also have 3 video clips to watch. The video clips are to support your learning in our prehistory topic and to help you to distinguish between fact or fiction. This is today's success criteria.
Please watch the videos as and when suggested on the powerpoint.
Thank you and enjoy! I look forward to seeing your beautifully presented work.
Good afternoon Year 3
This term we will be focusing on 'Living In The wider World'.
Know the reasons for rules and laws in wider society.
Recognise the importance of abiding by the law and what might happen if rules and laws are broken.
KQ: What role do I play in my community?
Success Criteria
I can discuss the reasons for law.
I can discuss why it’s important to follow rules/law.
I can discuss what consequences are if you break the law/rules.
Firstly have a discussion with someone at home about what you think rules and laws are for. What rules /laws do you know? Why are they important?
Secondly take a look at the Power Point on rules. Have a go at the questions as you go through.
Now it is your turn.
There are three different worksheets for you to have a go at: Who made the rules?, Rules differ and Consequences of Not Following Rules..
You can work straight onto the sheets if you are able to print them, if not then create your own version on paper. Remember to use a ruler when drawing lines please.
If you are up for an extra challenge them maybe you can design your own poster of rules for your home, school, lockdown or keeping Covid safe.
We look forward to receiving your work.