Thursday 16th July
Thursday 16th July
Today we are going to be thinking ahead to our class prayer for September. This is usually something that we would write together in school and therefore it is really important that you get a chance to have a think about what you would like to feed into it before September- it is yours after all!
Make sure that you write all of your ideas down and keep them somewhere safe so that you can bring them in on your first (official) day in Year 6 in September. You may want to create a mind map of possible ideas or even have a go at writing a full prayer. We will then share your ideas and collate our favourites for our prayer. Remember to think about our Christian Values and how we can ensure that we are displaying these in everything that we do.
We have attached an example of a finished class prayer to give you a reminder of what we are looking for.
Our Christian Values
·Reverence – awe and respect for what is holy
·Wisdom – an insight into how we should live our lives
·Thankfulness – thankfulness to God for creation and life and the promise of heaven
·Humility – the idea that we are not perfect and all powerful. That god made us and loves us.
·Endurance – standing firm when others and life seems to be going against us.
·Service – Jesus came to serve and not to be served. Sometimes that means going the extra mile to put God and others before ourselves
·Compassion – understanding how other people experience life and seeing things from their point of view.
·Trust – trust in God as the source of strength. We sometimes have to put ourselves in other people’s hands.
·Peace – Harmony and stability in our community. Where people flourish.
·Justice –giving everyone what is right and fair, especially people who are struggling in something.
·Hope – generates energy and sustains people through hard times. Christians hope is their reliance on God’s word and promise of salvation.
·Fellowship – being at one with Jesus - sharing the relationship that Jesus has with God. Brothers and sisters together.